dangerous woman

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» dangerous woman «

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» dangerous woman «

» dangerous woman «

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SCOUT PAXTON LEARNED THE HARD WAY THAT STAYING UP UNTIL ONE IN THE MORNING WATCHING BLACK MIRROR WAS NOT THE BEST WAY TO SPEND A SUNDAY NIGHT. At the time, it had seemed like a good idea, and it had originally started with several small mistakes that ultimately led to her demise. It began with her having two cups of coffee at seven o'clock in order to stay up and finish her molecular biology homework. After that, her next mistake was deciding to just scroll through Netflix to see if anything new was added. And then she made a bowl of ice cream in the dark of her kitchen, another wrongdoing. Lastly, as if to top it all off, she buried herself in her bed and decided to catch up on Black Mirror, a decision that tied up everything in a nice little boy.

Now, she was regretting that decision. Whole-heartedly, despising it with every ounce of remorse in her small body. She had woken up that Monday morning with bags the size of Nani's purse under her eyes, and that was saying something. She rolled out of her bed with her computer by her side, still open and displaying the 'Are you still watching?' screen on. She grumbled when she saw her ice cream bowl on her nightstand, grabbing it and planning to bring it back to the kitchen.

When she set her bowl in the sink and started preparing her much needed coffee, she glanced over to see her sister walk in. When the younger girl looked up from her phone and saw Scout, she screamed very loudly. "Is that my sister or a dementor?"

"Shut up, Charlie." Scout rolled her eyes at her sister's sarcastic comment as she bounced into the kitchen to make her breakfast. Scout always was envious of the fact that Charlotte was a morning person.

"Seriously, is it normal to have literal purple circles under your eyes and grey skin? Were you on superhero duty late last night or something?" She asked, grabbing a yogurt from the refrigerator.

Scout shook her head as she poured her coffee into her favorite mug, cringing at the words superhero duty. Scout never though of herself as a superhero. "No. I was watching Netflix."

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