electric siren and the seven dwarves

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» electric siren and the seven dwarves «

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» electric siren and the seven dwarves «

» electric siren and the seven dwarves «

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SCOUT PAXTON WAS SPENDING HER TUESDAY NIGHT PERCHED ON TOP OF THE SMALLEST TATTOO PARLOR IN QUEENS WHEN IN REALITY, SHE SHOULD'VE BEEN STUDYING FOR HER BIOLOGY FINAL. The spring breeze grazed across her cheek, quietly blowing the loose strands from her ponytail away from her face. She licked her dry, chapped lips and tried to ignore the aching feeling in her feet; despite how comfortable Tony had designed her shoes to be, she had been crouched down in this position for almost and hour, and her toes were begging for her to take the pressure off of them.

She was regretting not bringing something with her to keep herself occupied. A bag of chips, a good book, honestly anything to cure the boredom that was surfacing as each minute ticked by. She pulled the crumbled up piece of paper from the holster on her back, unfolding and reading it for the eighth time that hour. The note she'd found on the subway seat that afternoon was crinkled, torn, and some mysterious reddish stain on it. It scraggly, humbled handwriting, it had informed her there was some sort of illegal package waiting for the recipient on West Elm Street inside the abandoned tattoo parlor at eleven o'clock.

Naturally, she thought the note was a very fishy thing to find stuck on her after taking the train home. After relishing in the embarrassing fact that she had walked a solid twelve minutes with a sticky note pasted to her butt, she decided to take action and find out what was going on. She had gone home, tossed her backpack onto her bed and did as much homework as she possibly could. As much as she liked school and learning new things, she sometimes wished she could drop out. Learning about biochemical reactions and trying to keep the streets of New York safe at the same time wasn't an easy combination of tasks.

And so with a couple of assignments finished and a quick outfit change, Scout now found herself on top of the abandoned tattoo parlor. She had figured the time on the note would be the time the alleged criminals arrived, but for some reason, it wasn't. She was beginning to lose feeling in her feet and so she took a seat, crossing her legs in front of her like she was a kindergartner sitting on the classroom rug for story time.

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