the final fight

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» the final fight «

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» the final fight «

» the final fight «

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SCOUT PAXTON HAD REALIZED THAT SHE HAD WOKEN UP IN THE EYE OF A HURRICANE. A moment of stillness where the world seems quiet, yet all around there is a raging storm. She was tranquil, still and unmoving. Yet she couldn't help but watch as destruction raged around her, and no matter how hard she tried, no matter how hard she fought, she was tortured by being forced to watch the storm break everything in its path.

The world was unforgiving. Scout couldn't remember what it felt like to go more than a week without any sort of pressure being put on her shoulders to do the right thing or save those around her. She no longer knew what it felt like to live a life that wasn't plagued by heartbreak after heartbreak, loss after loss. She'd risen up against some of the world's strongest antagonists, while simultaneously watching the ones she loved most die right in front of her.

And somehow, she was still here.

To her that meant something. To those around her, it meant everything. No matter what the universe threw at her, no matter how hard she tried to die that one day in Wakanda, she lived. She survived. Each morning her lungs were filled with air and her heart continued to pump blood throughout her body. Even when she felt completely lifeless inside, her body was pushing her to go farther, whispering to her wake up, you still have so much to do. Your time is not up yet, Scout. Keep going.

She liked to trick her mind into forgetting about all the bad things that happened to her. She liked to play a game with her consciousness where she pretended that one day she would wake up and everything would return back to normal. She thought about it often, imagining what it would feel like to come down stairs and see her parents sitting at the breakfast table. Or to call her grandmother once more and have her answer. Even to be able to hug Peter one last time, to feel their heartbeats sync up against each other like a beautiful rhythm.

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