Chapter Eighty

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Neville wasn't sure what had overcome his mother when they were leaving, for her to grab Kefira like that just to hand over a simple wrapper, it seemed out of the ordinary. She had never grabbed anyone with such force leaving Neville worried that there was something behind Alice delivering the sweets wrapper to Kefira. Kefira tried to play it off, blaming herself initially for attempting to pull her hand away but Neville wasn't fully convinced. Neither of them made mention of it to the adults and Kefira made sure to pull down her sleeve to hide down the bruising that had definitely formed around her wrist.

When they arrived at the Walsh family home for Christmas dinner, it wasn't ready yet, giving them a good amount of time to spend together before they had to be seated. Neville thought it would be the perfect timing to present Kefira with her Christmas gift but he wasn't sure how it was going to hold up compared to the other gifts given that year. Between Tegwen and a lion jumpsuit, he didn't think his gift was going to be looked at as anything special. 

Grabbing the wrapped box and heading to Kefira's room, he found the girl sitting on her bed examining her wrist. Immediately from where he stood in the doorway, he could see the purple bruising on Kefira's skin. He nearly dropped the gift in his hand before making his way over. He set the present down on her bed before pulling up the small chair at her bedside and sitting down before her.  She quickly attempted to hide her bruising by pulling her sleeve down again, but Neville stopped her as he grabbed her hand lightly and pushed up the sleeves.

"Your mum has a wicked grip," she said in a playful tone, although her facial expression didn't match. "I bet she has a firm handshake too."

"Kefi, I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into her, she's never done this before," Neville frowned. "I don't understand, usually the wrappers mean something good, at least that's how I've seen it."

"Really, Nevs, it's not a big deal," Kefira told him. "It looks worse than it feels, honestly."

There wasn't much honesty to the statement as he watched her flinch at the slightest of touch. He wished they were in school s that he would at least attempt to heal it but they were going to have to rely on the adults.

"Let me get Gran or Bandile to heal it up-"

"No, really, Nevs, it's fine," she reassured him as best as she could. She didn't want anyone else to know of it, mainly because they didn't want them to question Alice's motives. It may have been an accident for all Kefira knew and she didn't want any report to go back to St. Mungo's. It was only minor bruising that would go away within a few days. She didn't have magic to heal any injuries before, she was sure she could survive without it. 

Neville didn't argue with her but telling by his face, he wasn't exactly pleased with her choice. He continued to sit in front of her, holding her hand in both of his. It was quiet for a bit as she didn't want to be the first to speak, especially if Neville was upset. 

"I'm really sorry about that," Neville began, bringing her to shake her head.  She didn't want him to apologise especially for something he didn't do and something he had no control over.

"Nevs," she replied in a soft tone, " it's not that big of a deal. I don't think your mother was aware of her strength at the time and a wrapper is a good thing, right? Maybe that was her seal of approval for dating you."

Her words seemed to reassure him a bit as he gave her a small smile. " Well, no offence to my mother but even if she didn't approve no one has a say in that matter except you and me. They don't know you like I do."

Their attention drifted off the bruises as the two met each other's gazes for a few stolen moments. It had been the best Christmas to date, neither one of them could argue that even if they wanted to. Neville couldn't even imagine what Kefira had gone through in order to get Tegwen to show up at her house, let alone on Christmas morning. But she had done it and more importantly, she had done it for him, if that didn't tell Neville that she loved him, he wasn't sure what else would. However, he wasn't sure if he was ready to say it and he wasn't sure if Kefira would believe him right away, would she just think he was caught up in the Christmas spirit?

"You know, I...I..." He attempted to start off but three words had never choked him up so badly to the point where he was turning red and became short of breath. It didn't help that Kefira was watching him with a look that made him melt. He tried once more but failed to get his point across before Kefira placed one finger over his lips.

"I know, Nevs," she smiled at him before giving him a wink. "And I feel the same way, just so you know."

The two of them were too shy to say it out loud but it was a relief to know that the other felt the same way, leaving both of them to just sit in pure bliss for awhile. Neville had completely forgotten that he had come up to her room to give her his gift, but it was continued to be forgotten as he pulled her into a kiss.

It was risky business kissing in the Walsh household especially with added guests. At any given moment someone could have walked by or interrupted the moment as the two normally anticipated. But that didn't seem to be the case as the kiss lasted a lot longer than the two thought it would, along with the kisses that followed afterwards. 

Kefira moved from her bed to sit in Neville's lap as he continued to sit in the chair, one hand holding the side of his face while her other arm draped over his shoulder. Neville, slowly but surely, wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her closer. Her curls fell over her face and in return, tickled Neville until he giggled causing both of them to giggle while kissing. Kefira pulled away with a smile before using one of her hands to push back Neville's hair.

"Do you want to open your gift now?" Neville asked in a faint voice, still attempting to try to regain feeling in his body. 

She didn't even need to provide a verbal response as she jumped up to her feet and looked around. She quickly spotted the present resting on her bed before turning back to Neville, waiting for him to give her to the good-to-go.

"Go ahead, it's yours," he chuckled.

She grabbed it but to Neville's surprise, she returned to his lap to open it. He looked over her shoulder as she tore through the wrapping paper and then proceeded to open up the box. As she peered down at her gift, she let out a small gasp before turning her head rapidly to look at Neville.

"You bought me all of this?" She whispered to him. "Nevs, this must have cost you a fortune."

"No, not at all and even if it did, you don't have to worry about something like that," Neville reassured her. "It was worth every single sickle and knut."

Kefira smiled before looking down to the gift again, assorted in the box was countless potion supplies, enough that she could make her own supply cupboard at the school if she wanted to. She had all sorts of new equipment, including a small cauldron and gloves, all set up for her.

"I know that Potions was always your favourite subject, Snape or not," Neville began, " and even though Harry and Slughorn have taken the joy out of the class, I know you still like the subject. So I figured that you don't have to suffer with the class as much if you're free to do your own brewing on your own time."

"Neville, this is so sweet," she said to him, " I mean there are enough supplies in here"

"I'm glad you like it, I know that it's nothing compared to what you got me for Christmas but I'm not sure if I could ever top that."

"Nevs, Christmas isn't about who gets who the better gift," Kefira told him as she turned to face him. "I wanted to do something to make you happy and it seems that you had the same intentions, that's all that matters. Trust me, I love this gift and I lo....I...thank you!"

Wrapping Neville in a hug, she let out a content and happy smile completely forgetting the events that had taken place at St. Mungo's earlier. Neville seemed to forget as well as the two remained locked in the hug until everyone was called for dinner. 

The dinner seemed to be going along smoothly as the family was gathered at the table with their guests. Bernard appeared to have put his paranoia aside for the evening as well as he enjoyed a nice long conversation with Bandile and Sedi pertaining to living in South Africa. Neville was thrilled with how Christmas had played out that year, the only thing that seemed to be missing to make it perfect was having Alice and Frank seated at the table, sharing in the laughter and the joy. 

Courage {Neville Longbottom} (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang