Jesse's POV (4)

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Jordan fell asleep the first hour, and I had to restrain from putting a blanket or something on her. I really wanted her to beg me to talk. We still had another six hours of flying, and I was bored out of my mind. When she finally woke up, I knew she was uncomfortable. She wanted me to talk.

I almost thought about giving up, but I kept my mouth shut. Jordan would have to talk to me herself.

Jordan started bouncing her knees up and down. She'd do anything to get me to speak with her. I wasn't about to give in that quickly. I kept looking straight ahead, pretending I hadn't even noticed she woke up. Her knees continued to bounce, and I kept waiting for the second she'd crack.

"Alright, that's it!" She screamed, grabbing the attention of people around us. I didn't know it'd be soon, but I'm glad she finally decided to talk. "Talk to me, Jesse! I'm bored out of my mind, and I want you to talk to me. So talk!"

I acted like she wasn't bothering me, when I really wanted to just turn toward her. Her face dropped when she realized I was ignoring her. Her hands wrapped around my arm and she pulled.

"Jesse!" She cried. "Will you just talk to me? Please? I'm bored, and I want you to talk to me! Please?"

My posture remained the same.

"Please, Jesse?" Jordan whined, leaning over to me and putting her head on my shoulder. My eyes widened and she wrapped her arms around mine. Why did she want my attention so badly when she never did before?

She was so close to me, I could hear her breathing. My body tensed and I noticed her smiling. "Will you talk to me now?" Jordan asked, holding onto my arm even tighter. I was expecting her to look surprised that I hadn't shoved her away yet, but I wasn't ready to let her go.

"I'll only talk to you if-" I began, not believing I was actually saying this. I muttered the next part, hoping she didn't hear. "If you stay the way you are right now."

She lifted her head, and I didn't dare look at her face. What if she had heard?

"What?" Jordan asked, looking directly at me. She hadn't taken her arms off of mine, yet, but I'm sure she was going to soon. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, get off me," I pulled my arm out of hers and pushed her away slightly. She smiled up at me, just because I gave her the reaction she wanted.

"Well, at least you finally talked to me," her smile grew bigger. "I was starting to go crazy over here."

"Starting?" I smirked, looking down at her. "You're long gone from there, sweetie."

Jordan's smile dropped and her eyebrows furrowed. She regretted getting me to talk already. "I was wrong," she pouted, turning away from me and crossing her arms. "It's better when you're quiet and not making your stupid comments."

"Oh, come on, Jordy. You wanted me to talk to you," I teased, using the nickname she hated more than anything. It was given to her by Dallas, and I knew how annoyed she became when he was brought up.

She liked him a lot, and I told him how Jordan felt from jealousy. I was hoping she'd get rejected and it would make her get over him, but it didn't. Dallas asked Jordan to his prom, but ditched her for his ex-girlfriend.

I actually thought I had a chance with Jordan, but she's hated me ever since.

My head rested on her shoulder and I placed my hand around her arm the same way she did. "Well, I made a mistake!"

"No you didn't! Admit it, Emery!" You secretly love me and you always have!" I snuggled into her arm, not wanting to pull away.

"People are starting to stare! Get off me!" Jordan squawked. She didn't deny it...

There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Jesse's POV)Where stories live. Discover now