Chapter 1: First Day

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"Ugh, worst morning ever!" The blonde let out a groan, walking alongside her h/c haired friend. The female rolled her eyes at her friend's pointless complaining. "You say that every morning of school." The young female retorted while studying her schedule. Her friend puffed her lip in return and crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah, because every morning of school is the worst morning..." The h/c girl let out a giggle at her buddies mumbles and childish behavior, then shook her head.
"Be more happy, we get to see each other more often now Kori." The young girl took her eyes off the paper, looking at kori's own blue ones. Her friend just continued to puff her lip, obviously not happy with today's start. She turned her head before murmuring; "Yay..." Throwing her hands in the air, faking excitedness. Y/n scoffed at her friend and playfully pushed her to the side. The blonde wobbled slightly from the push while giggling. She regained her posture then lightly slapped the girls shoulder, now following her again.
They passesd by many complaining students on the way to their lockers, everybody seemed to be down today.
Understandably, the start of a new school year is not the happiest day nor a good period of time, but Y/n never understood being all depressed about it. Moving on, the two females arrived at their lockers that were a short distance from eachother, before popping one open and continuing their conversation.
"These lockers are small as always." The tired female said with more energy than before, storing some of her belongings into the tiny compartment while Kori held her own books, nodding her head. "Yeah  that's why I'm not using mine." This was quite funny to Y/n, so she let out a chuckle while closing her locker, turning back to the other female. "Your not using it because your lazy actually." She corrected while beginning to walk to the courtyard, the conversation filled with jokes and teases until they finally arrived to their desired destination.
"Yo, what's up my dude?" A girl with brown hair that barely reached her shoulder walked close, wrapping her arms around the other two. A random lollipop swished around her mouth, y/n assumed to be cherry since its her favorite flavor. "Nothing, just checking schedules and complaining."  The blonde responded as she quickly pulled out her schecule, soon after passing it to her friends for them to read. It consisted of mostly regular classes and easy going electives, which conflcited against Y/n's schedule that was filled with AP and honors courses.

They began to compare schedule before coming to a conclusion. They barely had any classes together. This made a bad start to the day and upcoming school year. Some may say this provided an opportunity to socialize with peers, and sure, but she wasn't the social type, maybe she'll learn? Who knows, only time can tell at this point.

"Jeez...this sucks." The brunette groaned, and the two other students agreed while shoving the papers back in their bags, then suddenly an idea hit her. The usual lazy and chilled back demeanor changed instead to a more excited and jumpy attitude, a smile now planted on her face. "I've got a great idea! Both of you meet me on this third floor's back janitor closet." There was actually two janitor closets on that floor, resulting in the back one being abandoned and consistently baren. So why not? Y/n agreed, nodding her head and pulling her black bag even further onto her shoulder.

Kori, however, had other opinions and opposing thoughts on their meeting space. "That closet is kinda...scary..." Her tone was slightly shaken as she sheepishly muttered to them, grabbing onto her own hand and fidgeting with her tan fingers. Suddenly, the bell rang, which led to the group to start heading towards their first period.

"Don't be like that Kori." The both of them brushed off her concern as they know the worst to happen is either getting scolded or witnessing a harmless spider, that the blonde also happened to fear. Kori seemed to be frightened by anything, so its not shocking that she feared something like this as well. Nonetheless, she seemed to always stick it out so there was no doubt she'd show anyway.

After chatting more with her friends and ambling through the halls, Y/n headed to her first period, AP Biology. Luckily, science and Biology courses tend to be easier for her, still, the course was a college class so she was ruled as apprehensive on the subject. When she found the correct room, she timidly stepped in, the atmosphere being strained and dark as if the teacher had just seconds ago yelled at the class. 'Did no one want to come here today?' No way to tell really, but it wasn't much of her concern. Suddenly, a random chill ran up her spine, making her whole body shiver for unknown reasons. The female found herself scanning the room after the odd feeling zipped through her. After a few seconds, she just dropped it assuming she was only wasting her time and thoughts.

Her e/c roamed the room curiously while walking to a front row desk to claim. As far as she knew, there was no assigned seats and she hoped for that to remain. Random quotes, assignments, and clusters of educational posters sat on the otherwise blank wall. 'This could use some paint..' The teacher shut the door, interrupting her thoughts as the bell rang, resulting in all the students to sit down and silence themselves a little.

The h/c began to unpack sheets and books, the odd sensation from earlier still lingering. Little did she know, her suspicions were correct as a boy's emerald green eyes laid on her figure. They had landed on her since the moment she walked into the classroom. Perhaps maybe even the moment she stepped onto the campus.

"Alright class, my name is Mrs. Barry, I'll be your teacher this year." The woman grabbed a marker, dragging it across the whiteboard to form the letters of her name, then turning to the class. "Remember where you're sitting now because it won't change unless I say so." 'Is she going to be one of those teachers...?' It wasn't a surprise that she may have a few classes with harsh teachers, that was expected, however, college classes were already a nightmare, the last thing she needed was a strict, hellish instructor. 'Oh well, nothing I can do if so.'

"I understand that its the first day back, but I'm going to give you some work to fill out at home." The teacher began to walk around the room that was now filled with groans of dissapointment from the students. She layed the paper on every desk, including another random assignment. Thr first paper consisted of pre class questions to test our now existing knowledge while the second piece of work snowd a set of simple instructions; "get with a partner and ask the following questions--" a sigh escaped the female's lips, already work to do and both due tomorrow, also known as too soon. Surely she didn't mind work, thats basically was school consisted of, but the first day was unnecessary.

"For today, group in pairs of two and ask those questions. This will help to get to know eachother." She stated while standing tall in front of the class while looking at everyone expectantly.

Every student began to group together, laughter and chattering filled the room quickly. Y/n found herself looking for someone nervously, tapping her pencil with angst. A boy with black hair and light green hanging on the dark strands walked to her desk confidently yet gracefully. His emerald green eyes holding a certain warmth and care that was unexplainable. Heat emitted from her stomach to her now dusted red cheeks, which only worsened when they locked eyes. Unexplainable, that's the only way to explain these feelings.

"Hey, would you mind being my partner?" His voice was incredibly gentle, the attentiveness of his expression held the females attention and breath. It was like looking at an angel, a beautiful angel. Finally, she shook her head after staring, regaining her correct posture.

"Yes, I would like that." The boy chuckled lightly, obviously used to the reaction given from the female. However, little did she know, he feels the same way. Yes, seeing her beautiful figure walk in the room with her breathtaking features. Not to mention, her soft h/c locks that he wished to just run his fingers through, her gorgeous e/c orbs looking adorably around the room and to him. Clearly her presence was like no others. She was superior to anyone else. Just after a few minutes of knowing her... He knew...

She was his.

Boom, I hope that's a good enough start for this! I really appreciate if you read this and I hope its good enough for all of you lovely people! I hope to continue both of my series and for people to enjoy them, but for now, I hope you have a wonderful day/night! ❤

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