chapter 31

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"Oh my gosh!! Are you okay??" You asked, the answer rather apparent at the moment. Next to Enton stood a snarling Toffee that looked like he was out for blood, which he got, while the other dogs stayed a good distance back with their tails down wince they knew something went wrong. You couldn't even believe what had happened, it was hard to think that a small dog like him could break the skin at all.

"Yeah, I'm okay, can you get me a rag though or something?" He responded, letting out a slight chuckle, At least he was handling the pain well. All you could do was nod and scramble to grab a rag out of the hall closet, soon returning back to the kitchen.

He reached out his hand for the towelette, but instead, you got onto your knees and gently pushed it against the wound. Looking at the cut from this close, it wasn't bad, but it was worse than you thought a puppy could ever do.

You carefully applied a little pressure to the bleeding, hoping that with enough it would stop. From above you, you could hear Enton let out a pained groaned, hiding his face into his hands. You couldn't help but smile, finding his actions adorable.

"Don't worry, it should heal fast after I put a band aid on it. Luckily, my mom bought these huge band aids so it should cover it." You said, continuing to press the rag against the bleeding. Just after a few minutes, the bleeding had already slowed down a little, nearly done. Unbeknownst to you, while you tended to his wound, Enton was looking down at you with a smile. 

After a little bit of waiting like that, you removed the rag from his skin and got up, throwing it into the laundry basket. Toffee still had his guard up, a light growl emitting from his throat as he stared at Enton.

"Enough from you, I don't even know how you got out. If you do that again, I'll throw you outside." You said, the sentence coming completely from anger. Of course, you would never mean it, unless he bit your siblings, but you needed some sort of authority over the animal. Make that animals. "I'm so sorry Enton." You apologized, quickly going back to the hall closet to grab the first aid kit. You always kept the kit in plain sight on the middle shelf soo it was really easy to spot in case of emergencies. When you walked back into the kitchen, you saw the blue haired male crouched over, petting your other dogs. Fluffy, the black Pomeranian, and Pocky, a Bichon Frise, were wagging their stubby little tails in pure joy as the male pet them. Toffee was at your feet like usual, following wherever you go. 

"It's no problem, don't worry about it." He smoothly replied, still loving on your dogs, which were now practically jumping all over him and licking his face like crazy. This caused you to smile, you had to admit, a guy who loves animals, especially dogs, was a soft spot of yours, although it was like ninety-nine percent of boys. 

"I wish Toffee was as nice as these dogs." Enton claimed, walking to the living room to lay down on the floor and cuddle with the dogs. It was so sweet to see, you just wanted to take a picture, but that would be creepy. Right? Anyway, you followed in suit and sat on the ground as well, placing his injured ankle on your lap.

"I wish so to, but I did find him outside, so it's no surprise that he may be a little timid and aggressive." You excused his behavior, even though you knew it wasn't right, and opened the first aid. Scavenging through the box, you managed to find cream and a band aid for his gash.

"Is it going to hurt?" Enton whined jokingly, running his fingers through the dogs fur.

"Yes, it will burn like hell, now keep your leg still you baby." You joked, loosening the cap to the cream. "By the way, the Pomeranian is Fluffy and the other one is Pocky." You said, darting your eyes from his ankles to the puppies. You were suddenly glad that you had put the kids to bed early today.

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