Chapter 16

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"I'm done with this... I'm completely done with sitting idle and watching my beloved get taken right before me...and you are crazy if you think I'll watch it happen any longer." The male spat out, his true side finally showing in front of his so called 'friend'. The male sitting opposite of him found himself chuckling at the uncharacteristic hostile nature practically throbbing from the brunette.

"I'd bite your tongue little boy, wouldn't want it to get cut off." The dark haired male threatened, his face twisting into an insane glare directed towards the brunette.

"Whatever, you couldn't even manage to lay a finger on me, nonetheless shed blood... I would watch yourself, this 'little boy' could end your life in seconds." He clutched his fist tighter, turning them a bright white.

"Quite a threat for someone so young in the head. You should watch yourself too or you may walk right. Off. The. Edge." He warned, giving the male a rough shove towards the nearest tree.

"Try me, bitch, see what happens." The words spilled out of his mouth, his gaze only sharpening by the minute. Unknown to them, there was a presence of a third nearby, watching the exchange with a smirk. The brunettes remark only strengthened the others desire to decapitate him, the veins in his head practically popping at his sinister words. The dark haired male had enough of his talk, wanting to see him actually back it up. He slyly slid a pocket knife out of his pocket, his usual bright green eyes shifting to a ominously dark shade, hiding his real objective. He knew the other male inside and out, including the fact that he had to be very slick if he were to try and attack him, because, believe it or not, the brunette was stronger. His small size and lack of body mass didn't prevent him from assassinating someone when it was needed, or when he thought it was necessary at least. That could go the same for the green eyed boy, but the difference was, he hadn't ever attempted because of his religion. Yes, the words of god were more important in his eyes, but now, even that was becoming hazy due to his new addicting love towards you.

"I'm not stupid nor blind, pulling a knife on me eh?" A slight smile played at his face, but it surely wasn't one of friendliness, more of confidence. What should he have expected? He moved his hand into view, pointing the sharp edge towards the male with an emotionless gaze. 

"We've done a lot for each other, you're my friend, but you need to learn to back off so you don't get hurt." His gaze drew daggers into the brunette, but it didn't scare him, in fact, it made him laugh. His chuckling progressed with time, his true insanity finally shining through his sweet facade.

"Back off?? acting tough now are we?? You seem to forget your strength compared to my own." The dark haired male swallowed harshly, his eyebrows furrowing furthering. His self-assurance was now at it's full potential, knowing this is what had be done to keep his love.

"Strength doesn't matter when she wants me more." Everything went silent, the insane  laughter of the other ceasing immediately, along with his smirk. Both stayed completely still, focused on being alert for any type of movement from the opposing side. The air seemed almost toxic between the two, there was no doubt they had only violent thoughts on mind, but it was going to come down to who made a move first.

"You know.. fighting is so worthless in this situation." The third finally spoke up, walking closer with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His saunter seemed almost too nonchalant, as if he didn't find the situation threatening at all,  like he found it somewhat childish. His golden orbs wandered around, finally landing onto both boys as they glared into his eyes. A knowing smirk spread across his face as he continued. 

"What's the point of fighting, if you fight like this, Y/n won't like you anymore than she does." Both boys tensed at his words, realizing that his words had truth behind them. "I think we all need to have a talk, which is why I'm organizing a plan with Yin soon, and I suggest you come." The blonde confidently turned around, his hands making an 'I don't know' gesture as he walked off. "But, that's your choice." Soon enough, he disappeared into the woods, leaving the two in thought, hard decisions to be made. They remained mute, skeptical of the others intention. The silent forest around only added to the heavy uneasiness in their minds, the secret motives were clear, yet were they going to risk everything for a chance? 

"He's right... As much as I want her to myself, I can't risk losing her because of one silly mistake." The brunette sheepishly admitted, straightening from his past stance to a more relaxed one. "And I think you realize it to." The dark haired male's green eyes met the other's blue orbs, and even though he didn't make any movement, the brunette knew the silent one was in agreeance.


"Stupid life, what am I doing?" You groaned, slowly sliding into the bubbles of your bath. The lilac smell of the bubbles made its way to your nose, your body finally relaxing for once. This is exactly what you needed to clear your mind, a nice soothing bath with no distractions, and a peaceful atmosphere.

That's what you thought at least. but you soon found that it was quite the opposite. The thoughts of all the guys, school work, tests, your parents, and the kids clouded your mind, poisoning your bath time. You couldn't deny, what was mostly on your mind was your feelings towards the five males, unable to actually make any progress on the subject.

Gently, your fingers massaged your scalp, leaving pink tinted foam all through your h/l h/c hair. The shampoo smelled even better than the bath bomb you had placed in your bath, leaving a whole plethora of smells to dominate your nose and mind, finally releasing the troubling thoughts from your mind.

"Sissy?? Where is Toffee?" Emily called from outside of the bathroom. A large sigh escaped your lips, just as you began to finally relax. 

"I don't know but I'm sure he is fine." You responded, shutting your eyes softly as you began to pour water over your head to rid it of the shampoo. Thinking the conversation was done, you began to hum in the light tune of f/s, continuing to wash your hair peacefully.

"I can't find him anywhere sissy, but it's okay." She replied and you furrowed your eyebrows, either she didn't actually look or Toffee was hiding somewhere, although that never happened. 

"Fine fine, I'm getting out." Thankfully, you had the time beforehand to wash your body and hair, but you still didn't want it to be cut so short. After hopping out of the tub, you pulled the plug and wrapped up your hair and body in towels, hurrying the process so you can find the pup. Soon enough, you left the room and started searching the living room for the dog. At first, you were sure he was somewhere, but after searching in every nook and cranny of every room , you were scared he ran. Emily was following suit, trying to help you find him to the best of her ability, but she seemed oddly calm.

"I'm sure he's fine sissy!" Emily cheered, giggling slightly afterward. This slightly surprised you, the last time you couldn't find your other dog, Snowball, she cried until you found him under a bed of an unused room. This was completely out of character for her.

"Why are you so calm?" Your eyebrow raised as a smile raised on her face.

"He's always gone, I don't ever see him unless you're home." Emily said, placing both her hands behind her back. The new information that was presented practically made your jaw drop, what did she mean by that? 

"How do you know that? You're at school when I'm at school." You questioned, completely turning your body towards her, your hands resting on your hips.

"Well.. the days I don't feel good and stay home, or when you go out with your boyfriends, he's not here! But he always comes back so no worries sissy!" Emily exclaimed, throwing her arms up childishly. To that, your eyebrows practically flew off your face as you became completely red.

"We aren't dating! Yo-- wait.. really?" You stopped, realizing what she was actually saying. She nodded to your question and skepticism filled your body, that wasn't even possible. "You probably just didn't look hard enough, now go to sleep, it's past bed time for you." Emily puffed her lip at that, slightly stomping her feet.

"But sissy!! I don't want to!!" She whined, crossing her arms over her chest. The moment kids became prissy or diva-ish with you, it was game over, you have no tolerance for it, especially with your own kids.

"Just go to your room now Emily, don't act like a brat or no tv tomorrow."  Emily eyes widened immediately at your scolding as she nodded her head, running off to her room.

"Not here huh..? Impossible... right..?" 

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