Chapter 28

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"Thanks, now, what happened?" You asked, looking into Soreva's green eyes. The gift she brought was very sweet, but you weren't going to be bought like that, you needed answers, not unicorns. Well, you'd like both if possible actually.

"Well, honestly... I don't know Y/n." Her orbs dotted around the room, gazing around at everything but you. There had to be something that she knew, she was lying, you could tell. You had been around her enough to know that she avoided eye contact when she was hiding something. You raised your eyebrow as if to say 'are you serious?', making her sigh and finally look you in the eyes.

"I'm sorry okay, Lilly told me that you were talking trash about me, Kori, and Kaira. I didn't believe her since ya know, I trust you more, Kori and Kaira didn't either at first but she had back up, the same back up that helped her get those pictures she used." Your eyebrows nearly flew off your face at the news, a back up? Who was that and why would they care to do something like this? She seemed to read your expression perfectly since she continued.

"I didn't get to personally get to see who it was because I could care less about Lilly's lying, but they seemed to convince Kori and Kaira. I don't know why Lilly wanted to do everything in the first place, but I didn't care to talk to her after the whole thing." The blonde said, relaxing into the couch and scanning you for your reaction. You honestly couldn't believe it, you, Kori, and Kaira have known each other longer than anyone and they do this to you? The fact that they didn't even bother to confront you about it stung, because if you had heard the same thing, that would be your first priority. Right now you didn't go running to them because you needed time to think, you needed a well thought questions as well as a stable mindset. But, if Soreva was going to answer what she could, this might be the perfect opportunity.

"Okay, so, why did Lilly say that you guys helped her? What did you do to help? I mean, you're the only ones I told about the guys, Lilly knew vague information about them so they would have needed some help besides the back up person." You started rambling in fear of the truth, you didn't want to lose your close friends so easily, just because of one girl. Wasn't going to happen.

"Honestly, I don't know if they did, but I didn't. The whole guys thing was something I din't agree with that much personally, but not only would I never give that information out but I knew it was a very confusing time for you, so I left it alone. Plus, I would never call you a hoe since this is like the first time in years you've liked someone." She replied honestly, swiping a strand of blonde hair from her face as her eyebrows furrowed slightly. Silence filled the room as you just stared at each other, not sure what to say next.

"U-um...I'm sorry but may I ask something?" You figured that she had answered your questions honestly, so you nodded, she may be just as confused and shooken up about the situation as you.

"D..did you talk about any of us badly?" Her voice was laced worry, and hurt. You couldn't blame her for having seconds thoughts since you had the same about her, but there was one thing you were damn sure about. You don't talk bad about friends, ever.

"Soreva, no, I would never do that. I don't ever see the point in talking bad about others, friends especially." You replied, concern spreading through your face. A slight smile curved into her lips, and you could tell by the way she relaxed more that she was happy with your answer. You couldn't lie, you were satisfied with the answers you received as well, especially since you could tell that there was a good chance she wasn't lying. 

After a little more tranquility, suddenly Soreva sat up and looked around a little, searching around with her eyes. Then, her head turned towards you as she stood up, now smirking like a devil.

"Is the coffee for me?" Oh yeah, she has as bad of an obsession with the caffeinated drink as you did. And that's the moment you realized, you needed to get to the Keurig now or the coffee was hers. Her whole body twisted to look at the kitchen as she started off, running towards the kitchen for her prize. That's when you hopped of the couch in a hurry and chased close on her heels, eventually grabbing the blonde by the waist and restricting any further movement. And with that, you both fell to the floor, you on top and her facing you. Your hands were now placed next to her head while your legs were rested on the outsides of hers. A bright red rushed to her face as you both just stared at each other in that position. Her light emerald eyes gazed into your beautiful e/c orbs. 

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