Chapter 6

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"Stay away from them, got it?"

His tone was laced with jealousy as he warned you, the expression on his face stern. The warning he gave you slightly scared you, why would you need to be careful of the people he surrounded himself with? You completely understood keeping distance with Enton for obvious reasons, but the rest seemed relatively cool to hang out with, isn't it a bit late for this? You found yourself just nodding in response, trying to avoid ticking him off the best you could. This was your first time seeing him even slightly irked, it was odd, especially since you didn't understand the reasoning behind it.

"Awesome, let's start the session then!" The atmosphere immediately shifted to a less suffocating one from his sudden change in tone and mood. His expression now expressed his excitement, completely different from his previous serious one. Best to not mention It, forget it for now since he dropped the situation himself. You plastered a similar smile to your face, nodding in agreeance. The both of you hopped onto his bed, pulling out a variety of work and books, starting the lesson.

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"So, you need to mul--" Before you could finish your sentence, you noticed Laiza half asleep. He had been trying to stay awake but he grew bored and disinterested after about an hour of tutoring, and honestly, you didn't blame him. His face was peaceful as he rested it on his hand, now fully asleep. From the time where they started and now, he made progress though, so you were satisfied with your work.

You began to quickly gather your belongings to head back when curiosity took over your being, what did the other rooms look like? Laiza had gave you a warning, but what's the worst that could happen? They kidnap you or something? Maybe Enton but the rest were too soft hearted for such things.

You finally analyzed your surroundings after being in his room for so long, but his room seemed oddly just for sleeping, or other purposes... He had a queen-sized bed that consisted of a red and black theme,along with the rest of the room. It was oddly plain, just random, fancy things scattered the room with the same colors. The urge of searching in his drawers and closet hit you, but you were not nearly close enough to risk being caught in such an act.

You quietly snuck out after your examination, now walking down the decorated corridor. Everything screamed expensive in this house, and after walking down the hall, you realized how intricate the building really was. Ignoring that fact, you continued down the hallway, a few different rooms along the way. A huge wave of hesitacy hit you, maybe you shouldn't? Opening the doors to the rooms may cause some unneeded drama between you and the males, even if your curiosity would kill you in the end. After some contemplating, you decided to roam, using the excuse of searching for a bathroom if it became nessaccary.

In the middle of searching for the right entrance, a door that was cracked open caught your eyes. It was at the end of the hallway and radiated a dangerous aura, it felt like it was begging to be found. You had to turn a few corners since this corridor had multiple walkways, but this was the first dead end and that fact made you even more curious of what lurked beyond the door. In your mind, there had to be something behind it, but then again, you were known to be quite nosy. Slowly, you stepped closer, now in arms distance of the door but guilt held you back fork continuing.

'Screw it' You gently pushed the mysterious door open, it creaking open soon after. The entryway only revealed darkness, with some light shining in from the hall. The bits of light ended up making some things in the unknown room visible, including what looked like a spiral staircase that went down, deeper than the first floor. With the only light being from the hallway, you decided to take out your phone from your bag, shining it on the room. The room looked old, the inside walls were made of stone, the staircase was practically the only thing inside of the room, and everything looked pretty decayed.

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