Chapter 21

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It hurts.

Now I'm in This hell that won't release me.

Please help.

A bloodcurdling scream rang through your mind, almost as if the owner of the voice was getting brutally murdered. Tortured at that. It was unpleasant to say the least.

escape while you can, for yourself.

You jumped up in a state of panic, practically leaping off the bed with your momentum. Beads of sweat ran down the side of your head as you glanced around the dark room frantically. Your eyes scanned every inch of the black surroundings, hoping that had just been a dream and not an actual voice. It sounded so real, and even familiar, so you couldn't be sure.

After searching the room for anything and keeping all of your senses alert, you found nothing out of the ordinary. You relaxed back into the bed slowly, taking long, careful breaths, trying to calm yourself further. The whole thing was weird, it was clearly a dream, but you were never prone to nightmares before. Sure, you have had a few here and there, ranging from cute kitties to scary monsters, but not often. And not nearly as real. 

It took from what you could imagine to be five to thirty minutes to completely conciliate yourself before ripping the white, wool blanket off your body, sliding out of the bed, and slipping out of the pitch-black room using your phone. If you had thought that the halls were confusing before, you hadn't ever tried to navigate through them practically blind. Luckily, the guest room was nearby the stairs and this was your second time sleeping there, so it wasn't as difficult as it could have been. You also concerned yourself with keeping quiet as it was two am and you didn't want to wake anybody. Sure, you could have stayed in the room and went back to sleep, but you needed to clear your head a bit as shards of the nightmare replayed in your mind. Not only that, but a glass of water sounded nice after sweating profusely. 

Steadily, you felt your way down the stairs and through the rooms to the kitchen, switching the light on. Their kitchen was incredibly clean and organized well so it made it easy to find any snacks or water wanted. Noting that, you found multiple water bottles on the top shelf of the refrigerator rather smoothly. It was actually sparkling water, the fancy kind. To you it tasted the same, but it did make you feel a tad special.

You grabbed one of the bottles and walked over to the bar, using a bar stool to take a seat. You popped the cap off of the bottle and took a swig, enjoying the cold fluid against your throat. The small lump in your throat bobbed as you tilted your head back to chug down the water, soon stopping at the sound of footsteps. At the sudden sounds, you swiftly pulled the water from your mouth and quietly sat it on the counter, looking towards the arched opening. For a while, nothing happened, in fact, the footsteps ceased, but eventually, a dark figure glided into the room. As the outline moved closer towards the light, you had realized that it was the maid from yesterday, the same emotionless expression on her face.

"I was wondering where you had went, I'm glad you're alright." The brunette spoke up, gazing at you with a concerned stare. Your eyebrows furrowed at her words, what could happen to you anyway? Before you could even speak she raised a finger and let her hazel eyes meet you e/c orbs.

"Although you may not realize it, your safety is slightly endangered, as it would be any where. You never know what may happen." That made sense, but it felt off. Almost as if it was an excuse for something greater, a bigger problem. However, you just nodded your head and took another sip of your water, hoping to finish it soon. "No matter how much you think you know, you can never be to sure, always think about your actions and possible consequences, and always consider your life at danger, it will help you in the long run." The maid calmly advised, muttering something incoherent at the end while walking off. Soon after that, she had left you bewildered, taken back by the random warning. It was unprompted and unasked for, but that's not to say you didn't consider it or take it to heart.

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