Chapter 3: Bully

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   "Shit..." Y/n groaned out in pain while cupping the right half of her face. Of course, Hinata and Laiza were prowling next to her, brooding on the events that took place in gym. They made up and Y/n wasn't even hung up on that anymore, the pain still stung slightly as her nose bled and jaw clicked, but she wasn't having bad thoughts towards anyone. On the contrary, the two males close to her had a bad taste in their mouth, the ball was definitely deliberately thrown hard at their friend and they seriously disliked that fact.

"Y/n? You alright?" Y/n's brunette friend found her, swiftly ambling towards the female to inspect the bruised area. The h/c haired female just smiled cheerfully, waving it off and letting out a slight chuckle.

"Everything is all good, I'm fine, just got pounded in the face with a ball." This caused Kaira to give a slight huff at her friends dismissive attitude, clearly carrying a hinge of worry for her friend. "By the way, you guys don't have to follow me, I appreciate the worry but I'll be okay." She shot the two males that were on her heels a reassuring grin, leaving them both with a frown.

"You were holding your face, obviously you're in pain." Nothing could deter Kaira seeing that she could clearly tell her friends discomfort. However, Y/n is also stubborn, so if she made her mind that she didn't want to say, she wouldn't say unfortunately.

"Hey look, my classroom, bye." The female swiftly advanced into her next classroom, the classroom dedicated to the dreaded AP calulous. The brunette groaned after her friends leave, expressing her anger towards the stubborn standpoint of Y/n. That's when Y/n realized, she's in Ap Calculous, this realization hit her and left her an excited yet nervous mess. Any type of math wasn't difficult in Y/n's personal opinion, but peers repeated the fact that his class was constant work and stress with education.

Groups of students clustered around a random piece of paper taped to the white board. The female hesitantly approached the now departing group of students, revealing the paper, the heading reading "4th period seating chart" Rows of desks were printed onto the paper, lined with names.

She ran her finger across the material, searching for her name and seat assignment. When she finally found it, her attention automatically turned to the student allocated next to her. Soreva Corsen.

Soreva was known as a bubbly girl with short, blonde hair that tangled into a curl at the bottom and gossip  that circled the school. The difference, however, between her and other gossip queens is that most of her talk was true and almost never negative, she heavy relied on truth by talking to tons of people.

Many girls tossed around foul rumors and talk, but she wasn't like that, that's what made Y/n gravitate towards her in middle school. What had happened was some random people were whispering about the said girl, which left Y/n uncomfortable. They were in gym when the perky Soreva ran up to the female, an excited look spread across her face while looking at Y/n.

"Everybody has been saying that your really smart and athletic since you enrolled here! Is that true?" Soreva questioned while letting out a few small huffs enthusiastically. The two females used their gym time to socialize while walking and jogging along the sides of the gymnasium, they got along well together.

Y/n hopped over to her desk and sat down, setting her things aside. Just before she sat up straight, a figure practically pumbled her before screaming; "Y/n!" People focused their eyes on the two figures, including a male with blue hair and darker teal eyes.

They both giggled happily before pulling back and starting to converse. They continued their chat since they were handed a personality test 15 minutes into class and were told they could work together.

While the two friend's shared a conversation, a certain male's blood boiled while working on his own paper. The nonstop chatter between them angered him, everyone else was talking to but because he sat next to the two, it left him extra peeved. Clearly, the ocean haired male wasn't having it and was practically steaming mad at their nonstop babbling.

"Could you shut up already?" His voice broke through their talking as they both looked back to make sure he was talking to them. Y/n didn't know how to respond, she wanted to reply with an 'excuse me?' But ultimately decided against that since she didn't want to start any confrontation. "Jeez, China can hear you and they said to please shut the hell up."

Soreva's lips puffed slightly into a pout, showing her disagreement with the male's obnoxious statements. Once again, Y/n found herself conflicted on how to respond to the accusation, so she finally opt to answer back. "I'm sorry if your annoyed, we can quiet down but please ask nicely next time."

Satisfied with what she responded, she turned back around to Soreva, figuring the conversation was done. The blue haired boy bad different plans, however, he emitted a low growl preliminary to commenting under his breath; "bitch." That's the point where Soreva lost it, sitting up and pointing her finger towards the crook expectantly.

"Say your sorry you jerk! Y/n isn't a bitch!" That's exactly where he wanted them, y/n however, didn't seem fazed while pulling Soreva gently back into her seat and calming her down. The witty female knew that's exactly how the bully wanted them to react so she just ignored him, this made him fill with interest. Usually if he were to call anyone foul names, they had a typical irritated or sad expression, but y/n had nothing of the sort.

"Hey, what's your name?" Y/n inquried curiously, turning her head and smiling at the male. A smile? That's what officially peaked the boy's interest, so he figured he'd answer to her attentiveness.

"Enton." A smirk stretched across his lips, his teal, sharp eyes gazing into her breath taking e/c orbs. Enton wasn't previously working with anyone nor talking, and since everyone was yapping with eachother  Y/n came to a conclusion.

"Nice to meet you Enton, I'm Y/n, would you like to work and talk with us?" The female quized while maintaining her cheery smile, this caused the boy to grow confused, clearly baffled that she offered such a thing to him. Seconds ago he named her a bitch, but now she kindly offered a place of talking to the two.

"No." The male responded coldly, he was kinda fascinated with her and wanted to take the opportunity but ignored it since he figured she's like everyone else. Y/n accepted his decision, turning back around to continue her convo with her friend.

The whole class period flew by, everyone just chattering and partially working on the task given. When the bell rang, they were instructed to turn the assignment into a black box made for that period. Y/n started to step out the door before a certain male's foot crept out and tripped her, sending her straight into the tile ground.

Most of the students had hurried out, including Soreva, since it was now officially lunch so her remaining peers just stepped over her. When everyone finally left to lunch, she started to stand up shakily before  searching for the cause of her fall, which was none other than the same blue haired male from earlier with the same smirk.

Following that, Enton expected her to go off, to lose her mind on him but she didn't. The female glared almost dissapointingly at him before walking off to her next destination. On the other hand, the convicted male began to tread to lunch as well, far behind the rest. Quite honestly, he found it hard to believe that the girl hadn't smacked him, or even just said something in reaction. 'She's an Interesting girl...'

Y/n found herself on the roof eventually, surely she was enraged not long ago but thinking about it caused a calmness in her nerves. Pointless to dwell on a trivial matter such as that.

Everyday of last year, her, Kori, and Kaira met up on the roof for lunch considering it was bare during lunch. While searching the roof, she didn't see any of the two, however, she noticed a figure sitting criss cross a few feet from the edge. This was rare, again, this area was typically bare at this time. This caused the female to hesitantly call out to the unknown male. "Hai!"

"Huh? ...oh....hai."

Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed, I'm trying my very hardest! Have an amazing day or night!! ❤

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