Chapter 14

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When walking into the theatre room, you noticed the familiar faces of a few friends. Anthony, Mackenzie, Morgan, Joeseph, and Kiland are a few examples. You expected as much, but what caught you off guard was the small amount of people involved in the club. Of course, you needed backstage makeup, backstage costumes, backstage lights, performers, and more, so the fact that you barely had 21 people in the room proved the club may be lacking members.

Shaking that off, you began to gaze around the theatre, which was actually just the auditorium. The same old black chairs littered the top, leading down to the heightened stage. The reason of this room being here was not only for the drama club, but was also used in the event of special announcements and such. A good example of these gatherings would be the yearly suicide video and discussion, which had a good message but became repetitive after the years.

While caught up in thought, a familiar voice called out to you, catching your attention. "Y/n!! I didn't know you were joining drama!" You snapped your gaze towards the female that called out, giving her a friendly smile. This was Sarah, an acquaintance of yours. She had dark hair that faded into a light blue, hazel eyes, and a slightly chubby body that was admired throughout the school. Personally, you found yourself holding back from hanging out with her due to the time tooken up from the various boyfriends she consistently manages to catch. Not that it was ever a negative fact in your mind, but it often held her back from other interactions outside of school. Not to mention the often groundings and such from her mom that didn't agree with her social life.

"Oh hey Sarah! Yeah, I decided to find something to occupy me, ya know?" She nodded in agreement with a smile plastered to her face.

"Awesome, do you know what you want to do in the club though?" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with a raised brow.

"Honestly, I've been thinking about it but have had a rough time. I'm thinking about doing backstage costuming so I can kind of help around but not have to be on stage." You admitted while glancing towards Laiza, as if urging him to answer the same question.

"I'm going for whatever she is, so I guess I'll do that or makeup." Laiza grinned while resting a hand on your shoulder.

"Makes sense." Her chocolate eyes glanced back at the group of students before widening in excitement, looking back to you. "Oh my gosh, dude, one of the hottest guys in school is the leader of the club... I'm dead Y/n." You chuckled at her attitude. She actually reminds you of Kori a lot, makes sense since they are the two most hopeless romantic's you know.

"Ah, really? Who?"

"Sage! Duh! Where have you been to not know that?" The both of you giggled at her comment, leading you to say.

"Yeah, but you say that about any guy you find attractive." She puffed her lip and playfully punched your shoulder. The fact that Sage was the leader didn't surprise you much, he was a kid who always showed his affection towards drama, and the fact that he gets to lead everybody for the plays is probably making him the happiest person in the world right now.

The leader of the club is responsible for, well, leading everybody. Although chaperones are required, such as a teacher, the students are mostly put in charge of plays with the help of the authority. It's different from other schools, but it's actually nice since it gives a sense of trust between the students and the school. Of course, the plays are always typical, such as "The Little Mermaid" or "Romeo and Juliet", but it doesn't take away from the overall value of the play.

"Come on, Sage wants everybody down so we can talk." With a swift scoop, she took your hand and practically dragged you down the runway to the rest of the students, Laiza following suit. When finally joining the rest of the gang, everybody glanced around before they began to repeat the fact that everyone is there. Sage studied over the cluster of people before climbing onto the stage, looking down with a neutral face. He had his light brown hair in it's usual slightly curly style with stunning green eyes studying everyone else's.

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