Chapter 36

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Hey everybody!! I'm so sorry for my recent absence in this story! School sucks and I'm sure that others can relate to 😣 I'm hoping to get some parts out and get back to writing more! But for now, I hope you enjoy this new part, love you kittens~!! <3 

"You want me to... Avoid them?" Your features softened slightly, sure you were irritated at the moment, but that wouldn't warrant completely avoiding them. They had still offered to fix everything, that counts for something.

"Yes, you're only letting them use you more if you give in princess." Theodore claimed, running fingers through your hair softly.

"When's the last time we've ever done you wrong? Can you give us the benefit of the doubt and trust us on this one?" Laiza pleaded, a more soft persona taking over him. You thought it was actually kind of cute how his attitude switched, but you mentally scolded yourself and began to think about what they were saying.

You had done multiple things wrong in your life, from leaving the kids waffles in for too long and burning them, to something as serious as cussing at your mom and telling her to 'get out of my life.' Yeah, you never forgot about that, you regretted it the moment it slipped from your mouth. It was very stupid to assume, especially a high school girl that had multiple issues in life, had done nothing wrong in their life. Cause what you have done wrong, little to huge mistakes, couldn't even be written down into a 1000 page book, there were so many.

While thinking about what they said, and how wrong they were, you began to think more thoroughly about you and the boys.

What seemed to always happen is you would momentarily agree with the boys, but do a 360 in attitude upon seeing the girls. You assumed it was just your heart taking over, steering you in the way that it's been programmed to after all these years, but who knew?

"Listen, I completely understand, where you're coming from, but.. " You hesitated, guilt bubbling up in your stomach by the second.

"But..?" Yin urged you to continue.

"I can't do that to them, listen, I get that they haven't exactly been there for me everyday I'm upset, but I still love them and I'm sure they still love me. Actually, a big reason they probably haven't necessarily been there for me is because I never gave them the opportunity." You scrambled to excuse their behavior, trying your best to discard their comments. Everything about dissing them in any way felt wrong, they were your best friends, no matter what some guys say.

That's when a sudden urge or feeling hit you. You were unsure of what it was, but you did realize something. Why did you always seem to lean towards the guys more ever since you met them. After you started to get close with them, you would believe them more over your best friends.

Why would you ever listen to some guys before you listened  to the girls who had been by your side for years? You were just so tired of feeling so tied down by guys, guys you weren't dating nonetheless. It's almost as if they hated everybody else in your life, which was completely wrong. 

"We've done so much for you Y/n, what have those girls done?"

"Seriously guys, could you just back off?!" You snapped, slapping Theodore's hand away. You seriously can't believe he just dissed Kori and Kaira like that. They all slightly jumped at your liveliness, all of them unmoving at first. Along with their still figures, their faces were very unreadable. You weren't used to becoming this frustrated nor popping off like you just did, especially with them. Noting that, you were't sure how they would react, and that's what scared you. 

With that in mind, you raised from your seat and pushed them out of your way. You were going to get Kori and Kaira back if it killed you.

"Don't ever disrespect them like that! 'those girls' helped me through my middle school years. 'Those girls' helped me through my dad's death. And 'those girls' have stuck by my side a hell of a lot longer than any of you!"  

As you stormed off, you could heard the footsteps behind you, and you knew they were going to try and stop you, but you didn't care at this point. They could only get push so hard before you were pushed right off the edge.

Without even really noticing it, you had also pushed the emotionless maid to the side in pursuit of the front door. Although you tried to tune everything out, you could hear the shouts from the boys as you stomped out of the house. 

"Wait! Y/n!!"

"Don't leave princess! Let us talk about it!!"

God, even those words were pissing you off. Their restrictions that they placed upon your friendship felt like a prison at times, so maybe it was a sort of freedom that was flowing through your veins at that moment that you slammed the door shut in their face. 

'That should give them a hint...' 

You thought, hoping they understood how you felt now. Maybe they'd finally leave you alone enough so you could hopefully patch everything up with the girls, You were going to be late but there was still a glimmer of hope that maybe they'd forgive your timing. Not saying you were expecting them to though.

You were speeding off down the street, brooding about what happened with the boys. The frustration took over your mind as your body went on pilot mode. This caused you to become idol, not present physically, so after a while, you eventually realized you were back at the coffee shop that they had asked to meet at. Oddly, you did feel the butterflies from earlier come back to haunt you, but you did feel more at ease now, it felt better in a way. 

Your mood lightened with the snap of a finger and you held your skirt down as you quickly ran across the sidewalk, waiting for a slight second for the cross walk symbol allow you to walk across. Once again, the walking symbol started to glow orange as you finally ran off, holding your hands by your skirt to prevent it from blowing up once again to run across to the building.

When you stepped in, the aroma of coffee hit your nose, relaxing your muscles slightly as you glanced around the shop. As your eyes scanned the inside, you noticed the familiar blonde hair of a certain girl standing up to leave the booth she was in, a brunette following in a similar manner.


Hey kittens~! I know it's a short chapter but I did want to get something out. I'm thinking about rewriting Fatal Desires after I fully write it because looking back, there are things I rushed and just things I would like to change about my writing. However, I do hope you enjoyed this chapter somewhat, thank you for reading, I love you kittens so much!! ❤❤❤❤❤

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