Chapter 17

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"Seriously Hinata?" You whined as Hinata mercilessly dragged you across the school corridor.

"Yes, I need to talk to you, it's important." He replied, continuing his voyage through the school halls with you behind him. At some point, you had given up at trying to keep up and just allowed him to tug you along by your hand. Well, barely, he was too much of a gentlemen to be rough about it.

The bell rang as he kept on trudging along, seemingly going no where. You were supposed to be heading to 1st period by now, but Hinata decided to snatch you at the beginning of school before you even had the chance to say hi to your friends, or walk into the school building for that matter.

"Where are we going?" You groaned, slightly frustrated at his lack of explanation at the situation. The dark haired male didn't respond, his lips forming a line as his eyes searched for a completely baren area. You were so close to going off on him for not discussing the problem until you saw the serious look on his face, that expression made you completely lock up and save the complaining for later.

Finally, you both arrived at a vacant corner on the second floor.

"We're here, now, tell me why you dragged me through the school just to get here, what's so important that I'm missing class?" You placed one hand on your hip and furrowed your eyebrows, education was too important to you to be missing your first period for no reason.

"Look, just promise me you'll be okay after I tell you." His tone was laced in concern as he gently grabbed your arm, rubbing in soft motions to comfort you. The muscles in your body tensed slightly at his tone and words, what was he talking about? The thought of all the worse situations ran through your head, scaring you even further and giving you more anxiety than you already had.

"U..umm.. I'll be okay? Just tell me what it is." You moved his hand from your arm while looking up at him with a worried gaze.

"Well okay, you know Lily?" You nodded, prompting him to continue. "She has spread some rumors and pictures... of you, and they're not so great." Hinata drifted off, not able to look into your eyes. Your heart stopped at the new information; pictures? Rumors? What could Lily spread that's so bad in the first place?

Your body was completely frozen in place, unable to move as you processed everything, imagining what she could have done. It's not like you had done anything embarrassing for her to catch, but I guess anything can be seen as embarrassing depending on how it's used.

Immediately after the sadness, a wave of frustration and anger filled you. You couldn't physically believe Lilly would do something like that; the motive for the situation was completely unclear and nonsensical.

Hinata reached out, barely missing the back of your shirt as you stormed off. He knew exactly where you were headed, and he was certainly concerned for your mental health as you did so. Anger ran through your veins, nearly popping them as you began to nudge people aside to find the dark haired female. In the process, you failed to notice all the stares and murmurs from peers that were heading to class, nearly late may I add, but ignorance is bliss sometimes. 

Upon finally finding her, she turned towards you as a knowing smirk stretched on her face. and god, it made you sick.

You stomped closer, lifting an accusing finger at her while the female just continued her confident posture, one hand rested upon her hip.

"How DARE you!" You raged, now standing in front of her with a threatening glare covering your face. Her blue eyes batted innocently while looking at you, trying to act as if she didn't know what you were talking about. "You know exactly what you did, what have you said about me??" It was once in a lifetime that you raised your voice, but this was well worth it. You went by kindness all your life, but you absolutely refused to be stepped on, that's where you would draw the line.

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