Chapter 12

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A blinding light interrupted your once peaceful slumber, your eyebrows furrowing at the inconvinience. You instinctively reached out for your phone, but to your surprise, it wasn't there, instead your hand hit a hard, wooden side table. Wincing, you opened your eyes sleepily to search for the location of your missing phone. That's when you realized that not only was your phone not even going off, you were in a completely unfamiliar room. Before you panicked, all the memories of last night began to flood your brain, relieving you slightly now that you knew your location. The mansion. You didn't want to stay there for so long, nontheless sleep there, so you already weren't in the best mood. Sleeping in a house filled with teenage boys was the last thing on your mind.

Just as you attempted to get up is when you noticed the strong grip of an arm around your waist, restricting you from moving any further. When you gazed back to look for the owner of the arm, you saw something you would have never even thought of. Someone you would have never dreamed of.


'Why in the world is he in bed with me?! Of all people!' You began to curse in your mind while remaining completely silent, just glaring in disbelief. Completely baffled, you began to desperately hope that he had done nothing to you in your sleep. He wouldn't right?

As you continued to gape at Enton in an unbelievable manor, his eyes slowly opened drowsily. When they fully opened and registered your staring, he glanced back and let a smile stretch across his lips.

'A smile? While looking at me? There must be something wrong with him today.'

"Why are you staring at me like that?" That's when you realized you had been looking at him for too long. Snapping your head the other way, you crossed your arms like a little kid.

"Because I can..." You took a second to remember you were still bound by his arms. "Why are you holding me by my waist?"

"Because I can." He mocked, a smirk ghosting his lips. "Never knew your hair could get any messier."

"Wow, you sure know how to make a girl feel pretty."

"Just being honest." You actually let out a chuckle at him, that's a first.

"What's up with you, you never smile at me..or barely even talk." You questioned, surprised at his sudden change in personality.

"Meh... I don't feel like being an ass right now." He joked as you both laughed.

"You should keep it that way, now let me go." Enton looked reluctant for a second, his gaze flickering from your eyes to your neck. A weird feeling bubbled in your stomach, why was he looking at your neck like that?

"Y..yeah, sorry." He finally let go, leaving you to hop off the bed and quickly fix your hair in the nearest mirror.

"Apologizing to? Your a different person." You teased while trying your best to smoothen out your hair.

"Whatever.... are you going home?"

"Yeah, I can't leave the kids with my grandma for too long, they'll run her all day." A light chuckle escaped your lips while imagining it.

"I'll walk you home." Those words surprised you the most out of everything, he was offering to take you home? Who is he?

"No thanks, I'll go alone."

"I know all of them are going to beg to take you know that to." He paused for a second while standing up, taking that time to stretch. He stepped to the door, his hand on the handle. "Don't let any of them take you, got it?" The unexpected harshness of his tone startled you slightly, that's the Enton you knew. Before you could reply, he had already slipped out of the room.

Fatal Desires (Yanderes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now