Chapter 32

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"You're joking!" You blurted out, laughing.

"No, I swear I'm not." laiza claimed, his chuckling breaking through his speech a little. "She literally jumped into the trashcan." He nudged you with his elbow playfully, walking alongside you.

"I don't believe you, but if that did happen, that's relatable." You joked, nudging him back childishly. The back and forth had been going on for a bit since you guys we're taking your time at walking to the drama club. Joking was much easier now to since you had the friend problem figured out, better yet, solved at this point. The only thing left to do was to meet with them and you were sure everything would go smooth from there, no doubt this time.

"So, your Sage's assistant right now." The blonde pointed out, slowing his steps slightly. You nodded and directed your gaze towards him, as if to say continue, as he did.

"Has he mentioned any behind the scene thoughts on what he thinks our play is going to be?" He asked, sliding his hands into his pocket.

Thinking back, he has asked you to consider some options and get some opinions, but never really specified which plays he was interested in. Even you didn't have any ideas, you tried but ended up just asking around the club for their input.

"Although Sage hasn't really hinted towards a certain play, everybody else wants Romeo and Juliet." You replied, shrugging slightly. Romeo and Juliet is a beautiful play, but it was just so typical.

"Wow, predictable." Laiza said, chuckling along with you. You couldn't help it, it was true, that's a very common answer.

"I'm sure you want the same. I bet you want to be Juliet and kiss Sage~." Laiza teased, sticking his finger in your face mockingly. That, however, waa farthest from the truth.

"First... No. Second, Sage probably won't even be on stage." You stated matter-of-factly, stuffing your own jean pockets with your hands. Sage was the leader, so you were nearly positive he didn't have time to be a lead while managing everything. And, being the co-captain, you doubted that he would give you a by main leads if any.

"Yeah yeah." He brushed your excuse off, speeding up ahead of you to open the door for you. When he did, you of course, thanked him and stepped in, only to be caught off guard by a certain dark haired girl that a good in front of you with widened eyes.

"Oh Y/n! Hey!" Sarah gleamed, throwing up her hands to wave at you.

"Hey Sarah! Where ya going?" You asked, noticing she must have been walking out of the theatre to go somewhere.

"Sage wants me to give some papers to the office." She held up a neat stack of papers that were held together by a paperclip. You studied them, but couldn't determine what they were for. As if reading your mind, she continued:

"I think they're permission forms or something, to get the club officially started or whatever, I have no idea. Speaking of Sage though, he was looking for you." She said, smiling happily.

"Oh okay, thank you." You figured Sage must need a second opinion on something or had a job for you to do since that's often why he needed you. Who knows, you were just glad you get to help.

You moved aside for her to pass you and Laiza held the door open for her. Sarah thanked him as she left, but you couldn't help but let a light giggle escape your lips. The blonde looked at you questioningly while stepping back inside, unsure of why you found it funny.

"Girl hungry." You taunted him, snickering while ambling down the theatre. That specific action wouldn't label him as that, but rather a mix of past situations as well. Since you had been hanging around him a lot more, you noticed that he often went out of his way to talk and flatter other females, and it always worked. It didn't matter much, but you loved picking on him about it.

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