Chapter 29

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"Don't be so nervous kitten." Laiza cooed, placing one hand onto your shoulder. Usually, you would shift and say something along the lines of 'my name isn't kitten' but you were way too lost in your own thoughts at the moment. They ranged from what you missed from not being there on Friday to how you were going to approach Kaira and Kori, because something tells you that a simple 'hey, whats up?' won't do.

"Are you even listening? Ugh.." The blonde groaned from the lack of attention you gave him. It was rare that you forgot others existence, especially Laiza because he's a tricky one, but at the moment, you could care less. You made sure this morning to pay extra and special attention to every one of the kids, even eating breakfast with them, which consequently resulted in you and Laiza being later than usual on your walk to school.

"Nice ass." Laiza complimented, his hand raising from his side, nearly slapping your butt. If it weren't for your quick reaction, he would have gotten away from it, but you swiftly wiped your hand down and slapped his hand, deadpanning at him. 

"Yay, you finally acknowledged me, now what's on your mind?" The blonde let out a light chuckle while looking down at you. He meant well, but right now was not the time to mess with you, your head was way too clouded with what you planned to do and possible reactions you might get. Were you overthinking it? 

"Yeah yeah, sorry, I just don't know how to approach Kaira and Kori." You let it out, satisfied that you might be able to get a second opinion from someone you trust. Right now, you planned to talk to both of them at lunch, that's the best option right?

"Well, you probably won't like my opinion, but..." He stretched out the word 'but', now stuffing his hands into his pocket. "You have Soreva now right? Well, just stick with her and us, I mean, who knows what they might do when they get you back? They might turn on you again, I just wouldn't trust it." He spilled his thoughts on the situation, which was the exact opposite of what you were thinking. You furrowed your eyebrows, is that really what he thought? Because that did not sound like any responsible reaction, it just sounded like avoiding the problem as a whole.

"Thanks, but I'll stick with my original plan." You said, letting out a heavy sigh. Your eyes drooped slightly, you got little to no sleep last night. Sleep is for the weak! That played repeatedly in your mind, but it had the reverse affect, only making you more tired.

"Okay, you'll really wish that you listened to me though." Slipping his hands out of his pocket, he raised them above his head nonchalantly as if he didn't just sas you. He closed his eyes and breathed in softly and slowly, he seemed too confident in his answer, but you just excused it since that was a part of his personality.

"Yeah yeah."

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

"Yeah, you need to silly." Enton said, kindly walking you to your first period. Thank god, someone actually agreed with what you should do in the situation.

"Thank you, I'm glad you agree. I needed a third opinion since Laiza said that I shouldn't trust them." You replied, relaxing the hand that was previously clutched hard on your backpack strap. The blue haired male glared over at you, his eyes slanted slightly. 

"I know they're your friends, as they are mine to, but you need to be careful with what you ask them and what you do with them, okay?...They don't want you to make up with them for a reason, and the reason isn't good, so don't let them stop you." Not knowing how to respond, you just nodded, wondering why he always says that when he doesn't agree with their opinions. "Thank you." Surprisingly, you felt a gentle squeeze on your hand, only to look up to a smiling Enton. His face held a caring and soft expression that made you just want to melt into his arms.

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