~Q and A~

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Hey kittens, I collected a few questions and made up some of my own so it wasn't too short. Nonetheless, it's still a very small Q and A, but I hope you enjoy it and it answers some questions you may have.


Q. What was your inspiration for this story?

A. I've always been obsessed with reading yandere stories and other interesting stories involving killings, mysteries, ect. For a while, I thought up different plots, eventually creating the one I have now. My biggest inspiration are, of course, the queen of yandere stories Infatuation and Enhanced by Maskcover and Kyatto Empress. If somehow you had never read these stories, I highly suggest them, they're awesome!


Q. How did you create the characters?

A. After contemplating the plot, I knew I needed certain personalities that provided enough diversity to choose from while still fitting requirements. Then, I went through a few different appearances before achieving how they look now, I wanted to make sure their looks matched their personalities to an extent. I'd also be lying if I said that they kept the same, on point personalities all the way through, the beginning was different from how it is now, but I like how they changed and I hope you do to. Fun fact, originally, Enton had black hair and Theodore had blue, but I changed them to fit the character more. 


Q. Will we get to see more of Theodore in the future?

A. For sure, again, this will be a long series as I don't want to rush the story and I also want to give every character enough time with the reader. There is probably a 95% chance that whatever favorite character you have, you will spend much more time with. I've realized that I'm bad with dialogue and expressing characters through it, but I will try my hardest to improve and make this a better experience for everybody reading.

-random questions

Q. What's the plan of the story? Do I already have the whole book complete?

A. Mentally, for sure. I know a general path I want this story to take, with maybe a few thought up twist and turns along the way. Actually, recently I've seen a few theories in the comments and I adore seeing that, because I do leave hints now and then, It's nice to see people really getting into the story and sharing what they think is going to happen and stuff like that, it really makes it worth while.

Q. Any books I want to create after this?

A. I've mentioned this before, I have so many other ideas, but I think it would be best to stick to original characters and stories. I think I might create a few x readers with kpop artists, Homestuck characters, and anime characters, but I want to focus on original characters. I want this because not only is it a little easier on me because I can bend the personality a little without worrying that it's no longer the character I'm supposed to be portraying, it allows creativity. Also, there is millions of stories including them and it's always nice to get to know new characters and such.

Thank you so much for reading this part, I really hope I shed some light on a few things. Also, thank you so much to the people who asked questions, I really appreciate it, if you have any more, don't be afraid to comment, I'll be here to answer them!! Haqve a great day or night! Love you guys!!

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