chapter 5: Tutoring

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Your eyes slightly cracked open at the sound of your phone alarm, breaking your peaceful rest. A light yawn escaped your mouth as you sat up, checking the time. Sometimes you'd oversleep and continuously hit the 'snooze' button, which only left an assigned tardy and angry teacher. Surprisingly, you had actually woken up on time, so you had enough time to take a shower and make the kids lucnch before you left. No one was home to walk the kids to the bus stop because you weren't going to be late each and everyday for school, but you tried your best to make up for it by sometimes packing their lunch and picking them up at the bus stop.

You gathered some clothes and lazily moved to the bathroom, swiftly taking a shower and brushing your hair as well as teeth. Once you were done with that, you headed to the kitchen, packing a nice lunch for your siblings prior to waking them up so they can dress. Conner was the oldest of course, so he assisted you by helping the two other get dressed and out of the house. You grabbed your stuff and headed out, starting to walk to school with your ear buds in your ears.

For the most part, your short journey was like normal, but suddenly someone grabbed your wrist gently, gaining your attention quickly. You whipped your head in that direction to find the blonde from yesterday with a smile plastered to his face happily. His cheerful aura resulted in you gaining a smile yourself.

"Hey Laiza! Morning!" Your eyes shined brightly at the sight of him, earning a slight smirk from him. Although you haven't know him for that long, you liked to befriend as many people as possible since the year becomes that much more manageable. Little did you know, Laiza felt a tingly feeling grow in his stomach, you looked genuinely excited to see him, that fact alone made him so happy.

"Hey Y/n! Let's walk together!" Before you even knew it, your hand had been sheltered into his as he walked along with you. For the most part you liked it, but an odd sensation fell over you, like multiple people were staring at you. However, it was a stare with anger, frustration of some sort.

"So, how is the beautiful lady doing today~?" Laiza questioned happily, sending you a quick wink and swinging your hands back in forth in a childish manor. A slight blush crept onto your cheeks, he must love to make your heart race like this.

"Naw~ your blushing princess~." Your face was completely painted red at this point, he had to be doing this on purpose. In response to the heat rested on your cheeks, you raised your hand over your face, attempting to cover the embarrasing reaction. He squeezed your hand gently in reassurance before chuckling softly at the cuteness that was you.

"I'm sorry princess, haha, don't be embarrassed." The nerves that we're previously raging settled slightly, the nickname of 'princess' started to become more usual so you could handle it. A quiet yet shaky breath left your lips before you sped up slightly, still holding his hand gently.

"I'm doing okay, thank you! We're here!" Both of you stepped onto the campus and you turned to smile at him, met by his own smile. He gently pulled you towards him, your back meeting his chest, as his other hand made its way to your waist. Your heart was beating so fast, it could have practically jumped out of your chest at this point.

"Princess, how about I walk you to your first class?" Before anyone got the wrong idea, you gently pushed him away and grabbed your backpack strap out of anxiousness, shaking your head in the process. You expected him to be mad, but instead he just laughed and patted your head gently, proving he was most likely just teasing you.

"I'm sorry princess, you are just so cute when your flustered." He stated while continuing to laugh, clearly amused by your reaction that he considered 'cute'. This was just making you more embarrassed by the second, so you just playfully hit his arm and hurried off to your first period.

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