Chapter 18

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The sound of your own sobs bounced off the corridor walls, the situation at hand leaving you a destroyed mess. It was at the point where you didn't care who took you away, as long as you were away from everybody. You would have to admit though, having Yin here helped, and you were surprised he was bothering with you anyway, especially when your drama was certainly his as well.

Yin continued to speed walk through the confusing halls of your school before finally coming across the exit. At the moment, you could barely see, but you knew by the look of the main doors that you were close to escaping, and a tiny bit of hope filled you.

"Y/n?!" The ginger whipped around, you both now staring a clearly unnerved Kori in the eyes. This is exactly what you needed in this situation, more drama. He attempted to swiftly turn back to the door, sensing the evermore commotion that might come from the both of you talking. "Don't turn away from Me! Talk to me..! After what you did, you owe me that much." Guilt crushed you once again at her words, and you knew it would be best to listen to her, even if you weren't in the condition to answer back. It would let her get it out, take out her emotions on you, since you truly believed you deserved it.

"Don't act like your innocent in this." Yin spoke up, glaring daggers at the smaller female as his grip tightened on you.

"You kissed him... You took what's mine,! After you promised Me?" Kori ignored the male, her past intimidating posture now more relaxed and disappointed. Your e/c eyes looked upon your friend with sympathy, wanting nothing more to just hold her like you usually would. Being the first person she ran to when she was upset, it was hard to believe you were the cause of it this time. But now wasn't the time, she might bash you in the head with now she was feeling now, and that fact upset you further.

"You can't even apologize to me? For mouth fucking my crush? For talking shit? Nothing?" Your eyes widened. Not only did you never 'talk shit' about anyone, but Kori never cursed at you, especially this aggressively. For the hundredth time, you found yourself speechless, no words in the human language could be used to explain how in the wrong you felt.

"Wow, her shit talking? Did you forget the fact that you did the same? How you helped Lily get those pictures and the information?" Yin snapped back, trying to stick up for you since you clearly had no interest in doing so.

"Me? Haha, Are you insane?" Her laughing in between sounded rather pain and weak, no actual amusement. "I loved Y/n, I still do, she was my best friend and she knows that. I'd never talk shit on the ones I love, but I guess she's indifferent." She stormed off, leaving you feeling even worse.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, you Don't deserve any of this." Yin whispered, hurrying out of the school with you still cradled his arms. No one was aloud to touch you right now, his protective manor finally showing in front of you. He couldn't help but feel pained while looking at your now damp and exhausted expression, it was so unlike you. You had been through a lot, and like hell he'd leave you alone in this state.


"I'm so sorry." You apologized, wiping your tears with your arm.

Currently, you were in the boys' livingroom with them crowded around you. Originally it was just Yin, but after the news spread that you had left the campus, the rest of the boys could only guess where you went.

What surprised you was they were so comforting about the situation, it was so refreshing to you, you felt safe in the fact that you had five real friends.

Lost in thought, you snapped back to reality when you suddenly felt a soft grip on your waist, pulling you up and onto someone's lap. Being too tired, you accepted it and allowed yourself to lean back against the male. It felt nice, condolence from someone else, the warm touch made your heart lighten up.

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