Chapter 37

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"Kori!" I screamed at the two figures.

Every ounce of me feared that they would continue walking, ignore me, and I couldn't take the thought of it. 

The blonde and the brunette both turned their heads towards the voice;

It's them. 

Thank heaven and Jesus it's them, adrenaline rushed through my veins as I quickly shuffled towards them. Their faces read that they were irritated, probably completely unwilling to even listen to me; but I have to try.

As I open my mouth so speak to them, Kori raises her hand as if to say stop, and it seemed as if everything froze. My mouth slowly closed as my eyebrows scrunched in fear. My breath hitched and my brain started to run at a million miles a second.

"Don't even start, I don't want to hear it." After that, they both turned to walk away, but before they could, I grabbed Kaira's hand. Kaira instinctively flinched and quickly twisted towards me, a pained look on her face. Despite being more of a tomboy, Kaira had more compassion for her friends, maybe a little too much at times. 

"Please...Please guys, I'm begging you." I pleaded, my voice cracking pitifully. It was obvious that Kaira wanted to pull me in and hug me, but it didn't seem as if Kori was on the same page. Rightfully so, I wouldn't blame her at all, but every millimeter of my being hoped she would give me a chance. 

"Yeah, of---" Kaira started but was quickly interrupted by Kori.

"You are 30 minutes late, and you live 10 minutes away at most. I don't think we have to listen to you." Kori hissed, obviously more pissed than she has ever been with me.

"Please, just give me a chance to explain."

There were several seconds of silence, even the cafe was silent at the sudden drama that erupted before them. I looked into both of their eyes with desperation, I would hope they would give me a chance.

"You better have a damn good reason Y/n."


"So... that's your reason?" Kaira drew out her words, both of her eyebrows raised. Their eyes battered in disbelief at me, and I could sense the disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah...look I am so sorry, I shouldn't have listened to him, I was just so worried."

"So basically you put them before us again?" That was the first thing Kori has said since we sat down, besides asking the waitress for an extra caramel macchiato. I felt a lump in my throat. She wasn't wrong.

"I don't want to put it like that..." I started, my eyes casting to my twiddling thumbs, but as I looked up at Kori, she held a disapproving look on her face.

"Yeah, I did, and I'm so, so sorry for that." I stretched out the 'so' in my sentence, meeting both of their gazes. Kory maintained the same look, incredibly unhappy with the situation at hand.

"You had a chance to make up with your best friends, and you chose some guys you met at the beginning of the school year? I think that shows how important we are to you Y/n." God. It hurts.

Because she's right.

I couldn't even begin to explain the love I have for the two girls in front of me, but the guys always had a away of getting me back to the house in some form or another. 

I tapped my finger nervously on the table, trying to formulate some sort cohesive sentence that would explain to them how bad I truly felt, how I understood that I was being a shitty friend right now, no doubt.

But nothing came out.

"I-..." My mouth began to move, but nothing past that came out. My legs started to bounce and twitch with anxiety, this couldn't be happening right now. 'Come on Y/n, just tell them how you feel!'

"You know... she's not wrong Y/n." Kaira perked up, glancing over at me sympathetically. 

"You're absolutely right, my actions are not backing up my words, I just... I..." God, right now of all times, why did I get stuck on words right now of all times. I would have never imagined myself in this position earlier this year.

"I know you better than this Y/n..." Kori whispered, I could sense the obvious hurt in her voice.

"You've never gotten this...crazy, I'll say, over guys." She topped for a second before resting back "I love you, but those guys have made you an emotional wreck." My heart stung, did she really just say that? Of course I've been an emotional wreck, my 2 best friends of all time basically kicked me to the curb, rightfully so, but still.

"I get that I'm the wrong one, but do you blame me for being so emotionally unstable. You're the 2 most important people to me, and I let both of you down..." I barely got out, the lump in my throat persistent. My eyes couldn't bare to look into their's, fearing disappointment.

"I guess, but even before that, you've never been so emotional, it's just unlike you." Kori chimed, a concerned look on her face, almost as if she wasn't accusing you, but instead making an observation. 

"I just think that you don't notice when I'm emotional." I quickly blurted back, not thinking about it. The words from the boys finally got to me, again, and I covered my mouth. God, do I know when to stop?

It was silent for a few second, but looking up at Kori, I could see the aura of frustration around her.

"Cause you make it almost impossible to talk to you! When you're upset you close yourself off to us! What are we supposed to do?!"Kori shouted defensively, and I shrunk back. My body almost completely sunken into the seat behind me, I bit my lip.

"It's just hard to talk to you sometimes when you're sad Y/n." Kaira admitted, almost as nervous as I was with the situation at hand.

"Look, I'm very sorry for how I've been acting, and there is no excuse for it." I hesitated for a second then looked Kori in the eyes "I'm especially sorry for everything that happened with Laiza, I truly didn't mean for that, and I would never want to hurt you in any way." I apologized sincerely, my eyes locked with Kori's blue eyes. 

She stayed unmoving for a second before leaning back in her seat, crossing her arms.

"Okay, thank you for your apology." She thanked me; "I need to get going now though, my mom has been texting me about where I am." She started to scoot out of her seat, Kaira following suit, with a little hesitation. 

" you accept my apology?" I stuttered out, watching them intently as they got up.

"I don't know yet, depends." Was all she said, gathering her stuff into her arms. She then hurried off with Kaira close behind.

Could life get any worse?


Hai kittens! I'm sorry about not completing the series as it is, I'm thinking about finishing it if anyone really wants me to, I just lost the will for writing cause I thought I was so bad at it, and I went through a really rough spot in my life, but then I re-downloaded wattpad and saw so many people who enjoyed it. I don't like the idea of disappointing people so I can finish it, especially since I have all of it already planned out, I would love for my kittens to experience the story! 

However, I've been exploring art for a while and coding, and I was also thinking about maybe making some sort of visual novel for it? I would have so much fun doing the art, and I think it might be more enjoyable that way! Quarantine has kept me bored so I should have plenty of time to work on both, along side school and AP exams :) I would love to hear your input!

Again, so sorry for not informing you guys earlier, I was going through some family and life stuff, but I'm pretty happy with my life now and could work on improving my skills! Thank you so much for reading, and as always, love you kittens!! ~<3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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