chapter 20

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After the situation that unfolded, Laiza apologized profusely, like you expected. He egged on how bad he felt, explaining that he just worries when you're around Enton. No surprise but you accepted his apology, understanding his worry about your well being, as you would worry about his.

Something about the way everything had played out made you have a shred of doubt, like it was maybe a sliver of his actual personality shining through. This thought slightly scared you, spreading goosebumps across the back of your neck, but what was there to do? Throughout your life, you had learned that ignoring the truth was the best sometimes, and that's exactly what you planned to do.

"It's okay silly, I understand, you can calm down." You said, reaching out to rub his head gently.

"I know, but I was harsh... I just get too worried for you. I want you to trust me, enough to tell me whatever is bothering you or even if you feel I'll be mad." Laiza scratched the back of his neck while letting out a disappointed sigh, you could tell he was frustrated with himself. That previous anger that was towards you now turned towards himself.

"I do feel that way, did you forget the fact that I sobbed for like 10 minutes in front of you all?" A smile crept on his face as you lightly chuckled, he liked the fact that he had that moment of trust with you. He nodded, raising his hand to cover half of his face in attempt to cover his happy expression. It was so adorable.

In the moment, you had forgotten Theodore's presence, but it was soon remembered as he plopped onto the seat next to you. The brunette had stayed silent during the whole conversation since he found it to be none of his business, plus found himself slightly bitter after your interaction. Also, he was bored. Extremely bored.

"Enough of all this dramatic chat, we're friends now right?" Theodore giggled, playfully pushing both of your shoulders. Simultaneously, you and Laiza nodded your heads, looking up at the chattering brunette. "Good, because I wanted to show you something Y/n." There was excitement laced in his tone as his normal innocence and carefree attitude jumped back into his body. Theodore always seemed excited about something, that was part of why he was so cute, so seeing him so riled up overwhelmed you slightly. Although it was nothing compared to your kids, nothing could compare actually.

"Sure, I'll come." You stated while sitting up from your position on the couch. Laiza gave you puppy eyes while following your actions, you could tell he wasn't fond of the thought you leaving his side at the moment. Nonetheless, he left you be, probably afraid at provoking you, knowing he had done enough to scare you tonight.

The brunette led you upstairs and through the hallways to the door of his room, which has a 'DO NOT ENTER' sign. Yeah, surprising for such a kind and laid back male. He grabbed a key out of his pocket and slid it into the lock, unlocking his door. You had never even noticed the locks on the doorknobs, but it wasn't surprising, no doubt they were rich and each have expensive belongings in their rooms. It was just smart actually.

"Come on in." Theodore ushered you in, stepping in after you. That's when you really noticed how much of a kid he was. Stuffed animals lined the navy bed sheets, not to mention the childish space design on them, anime and comic posters littered the wall, the room was a mess with a ton of puzzles, games, and other objects crowding the floor. Not to say that the anime and comic posters weren't cool, cause they were, but it pulled the youthful look of the room together. To add to that, he a bucket full of various candies that were surprisingly organized. Not to mention the multiple game systems and the overload of games to go with them.

"What do you think??" Theodore chirped, snapping you out of your observation trance. You looked towards him, not sure how to react. He rendered his signature exhilarated orientation, his hands raised and clasped together over his chest. For some reason, guilt settled in your stomach. You couldn't find yourself to tell the truth, to say it was childish, maybe it was because the countless times your siblings had the same posture and you lied out of your teeth to make them happy. 

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