Chapter 7

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This morning was different from the rest, despite the usual conversation with Laiza, Enton hasn't messed with you in any shape or form and Yin took every chance he got to socialize with you, more than usual atleast. He upgraded his occasional talks to between every period conversations, it was surprising to say the least.

Regarding Enton, Kaira and Kori repeatedly assured you, claiming 'he probably got over it' or 'he isn't as mean anymore', but that was clearly too easy of an answer, especially taking yesterday's situation into consideration. Something else was going on behind curtains and you wanted to know what.

When the bell rang for lunch, everyone sprinted out, and you would have done the same if it weren't for a unknown person tugging on your wrist. When you felt the firm grip on your wrist, you instantly whipped your head back to discover it was none other than Enton. His sharp eyes met your wide eyes as he hauled you away from the crowd to an unknown room, quickly closing the door.

After gazing around, you soon realized that this was, in fact, a vacant classroom. Everything was covered in dust and crusted in mold, the desks were crooked as if they had been through a tornado, and leftover papers were dispersed along the desks and floor. He suddenly cleared his throat, prompting you to look back at him and send him a threatening glare.

"Why did you drag me in here?" You asked, an obvious hint of annoyance in your tone. He locked eyes with you while walking closer, causing you to back up and panic slightly, your gaze moving around rapidly in search of any means of escape. Before you could even attempt, you were cornered against a wall, his hands planted on both sides of your body, restricting you from making many movements. Your chest raised up and down ten times it's usual speed, obviously affected by your close proximity to the male.

"Listen..." He grabbed a hold on the collar of your black sweater before continuing. "Stay away from my friends and our house... or else... got it?" He spat as you couldn't help but figdet under his grip while repeatedly nodding your head, hoping no further harm was done. When his hand let go of your collar, you immediately dropped to the floor, momentarily forgetting how to use your legs. Enton chose to believe you as he walked out and slammed the door, probably heading to lunch.

Although he had already left, you continued to sit, completely taken back by the situation. Should you stay away? You had grown closer to these boys, even if it hadn't been long, they've definitely changed your school life for the better. Honestly, you didn't know what to do, you had no idea what Enton could do but it couldn't be too bad right?

After a few minutes of consideration, you decided against it figuring he couldn't do much, even if he wanted to. That being done, you headed off to the rooftop for lunch, excited to see Theodore. When you were walking through the hallway to find the stairs, a certain male pulled you in for a hug.

"Theodore? Why aren't you on the roof silly?" He placed his head on your shoulder gently with his arms around your waist. Even though you couldn't see him, you could feel the smile on his face.

"You didn't come for a while so I got worried, are you alright?" A giggle escaped your lips, he's always been such a nice and caring friend. The first day you meant him he was shy and awkward, but now that his guard was down around you, it just shifted to pure cuteness and kindness.

"I'm fine, just forgot something in my locker is all." You quickly lied. Theodore narrowed his eyes at your claim, quickly noting it mentally before his lips curled into a happy smile.

"Ah, sounds like you haha!" His voice grew bubbly as he pulled back and grabbed your hand. "Shall we go eat then?" Gently, you squeezed his hand and chuckled, starting to walk off with him.

The way there was relatively quiet, and you guessed it was because he was hesitating to say something since he became rather stiff and serious, contrary to his normal demeanor. When you sat down, you have his hand a light tug, signalling him to say what's on his mind.

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