Chapter 25

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After an hour or so of the boys trying to feed you, and even worse, others watching their attempts, you had finally escaped to the parking lot. Luckily, Enton spared you and never even tried, telling the boys that it was very childish, although, he was laughing along with the group. He was weird in that way. He was able to joke about attempting it, share laughs along with everybody else, but also somehow make you feel comfortable with the situation. It felt like he keep you safe among a pack of blood-thirsty wolves, which, that's what it basically was, or how he saw it at least. 

Nonetheless, you still had fun, and the food was beyond the taste of your usual cuisines, so you'd be wrong to say that it wasn't worth it. Plus, the boys seemed to deeply appreciate their time with you, very weird. I know, yes. But, those weirdos made you feel happy as well, you began to finally mold into their family, too well in fact. They accepted you in a 'too good to be true' way, just like Kori, Kaira, and Soreva did. But you guessed that wasn't the best example at the moment considering the circumstances.

You couldn't help but stare at the concrete as thoughts swirled around in your head, your mind now wandering to the kids. Speaking of new family, you feel a sense of guilt. You had to admit, the expansive amount of time you spent with the boys, the less time you see the kids. Sure, you aren't supposed to be mothering them, and you have your grandma, but you're what they are used to. You are their mom. That's when you realized you really had to give them your full attention when they get back home from your grandmother's house, they don't need another loved one to leave their life.

"That was fun!" Yin exclaimed, wrapping a hand around your shoulder, obviously aware that you're deep in thought. He was, no surprise there, the one who started the whole feeding thing, and he was not apologetic at all. But again, that was to be expected of the perverted red head, and even Laiza, who followed along afterwards. However, you knew they only had their mind on being entertaining and having fun so you moved the thoughts aside and looked up to the male. 

His face was perfectly lit at the moment, the sun, that was soon to go down, was perfectly lighting the other side of his head as his lips were curved into a smile. His red orbs looked down into yours like he knew he was entertaining you at the moment, like he could see into your soul, he was interesting, hard to look away from his eyes. The shine in his eyes showing how truly fortunate he felt just to be next to you, his appreciation seemed to consistently be displayed. 

"Yeah, I would have enjoyed more if you didn't shove food into my mouth several times." You retorted in a sassy manor, but an opposing grin spread across your face, revealing that you weren't unhappy with the situation at all. The rest of the group was a little behind, probably goofing around like the kids they are, especially Theodore. 

"Mmm, you know you liked it. Ya know," Just by the way his shoulder shifted towards you, how soft his voice became, and how his eyebrows raised, you knew a dirty joke was coming. You knew him and the rest too well at this point, in fact, when Laiza told dirty jokes, which was often, he was more relaxed, often switching his eyes away then back to you to view your reaction.

"Laiza seemed to like shoving things in your mouth, seems he might do it often eh?" The both of you grunted at his joke, letting out slight giggles and chuckles. You shook your head at his stupid jokes, you just can't ever take him seriously, not his thing.

"I'm sure he does, but wrong girl sweetheart." You said, flipping your h/l h/c strands from your shoulder, very near to the car. With the amount of time spent walking, you'd think you would be there by now, but you were slow walking, like the kind that you did when you weren't actually concerned with getting to your destination.

"I beg to differ, and it's not sweetheart, its daddy." That's the one you laughed hard to, reaching out to run your hand along the car until you got to the handle. This was Hinata's car, and it was a matte, black charger, very nice looking. Contrary to what you might have thought.

"You wish." Is all you responded, waiting for the black haired male to unlock the door. Today had been a great day so far and you couldn't wait for the rest.


The rest of the day was amazing, Theodore took his time they granted him to take you to a nice arcade with a bowling alley attached. Sure, you sucked at bowling and were lucky to get a 50 or so, but the boys made it very entertaining. Both Theodore and Enton decided on a challenge, different ways and positions, such as laying on the ground or turning while on the approach, to throw the ball. It was amusing to say the least, but you could tell that the employees were close to the breaking point, the breaking point being yelling and throwing you out.

After Hinata winning, lucky, and a few dirty glares from the workers, you played on a ton of different arcade games, where you truly felt at home. The arcade was amazing and had a ton of the good original games, like Pacman, Galaga, and Donkey Kong. You didn't mean to brag, but you owned every single game, even having an insane amount of luck when it came to "Deal or no Deal." 

Everything was going great, but Laiza started to rush everybody out, saying that they couldn't wait any longer with where he had planned for you to go. You didn't understand what the hurry was all about until you figured out that he had managed to get tickets to a famous and amazing play. You had always thought theater was cool, but you never truly knew how amazing it was to watch it in person.  The plot funny and enticing, but hard hitting, a good message behind the rather silly surface. You could guarantee that this was not your last time going to a musical or play after that experience. You had to admit though, it was slightly uncomfortable since Laiza held your hand for a large amount and even squeezed your thigh a few times like the horn dog he is, but you just let him be him.

As everybody began to pile out of the building, the curiosity built up in your mind. Everybody took you somewhere that showed part of their own personality, so where was Enton going to take you? No doubt that he had an amazing personality, but it didn't seem as there was anything that stuck out that might indicate where he'd like to spend time. Maybe he might ask you where you wanted considering he cared a lot for you and wasn't anywhere near selfish. The thought continued to hang over your head, left unanswered for now as you hopped into the car next to blue haired male himself.

"You having a good time?' Enton questioned, giving your arm a soft rub quickly, trying to avoid making you uneasy. So far, there wasn't really anything that you could complain about, besides maybe the lack of space in Hinata's charger, but everybody was dealing with it and there was no fixing it so there wasn't a point to the protesting. It didn't put a damper on the night anyway.

"Yeah, I've had a lot of fun." You honestly replied, trying to gain as much space between you and him as you could get. You actually felt very bad since Enton was getting the bad end of the deal, you had the wall next to you, but he was consistently moving with the aim of giving you and Theodore space, but your elbow and Theodore's were jabbing into his side, which you could tell that he hated.

"Good, my location you might not have fun at, but I think it will mean a lot." Is all he said regarding his chosen place, looking away as if to end the conversation. What was that supposed to mean anyway? Now it was even more of a question to where you were going.

You felt your eyes fall half open, physically exhausted at the action packed day that you had today. You released a sigh, that kind of sigh that felt like it was building up over the day and you were able to let it out. Earlier that day, you had found yourself hyped and excited, no where near tired, but now was when it actually registered how worn out you were. Hopefully the next location doesn't take even more out of you, because you don't have much left to give. 

Before you knew it, the dark vehicle had been parked, but everyone remained in the car. You felt slightly confused upon opening your eyes and looking around, since all you saw was an empty parking lot and trees. Was it a park of some sort? Maybe, that was your best guess when taking in all the surroundings, but the place did look very familiar. Oddly familiar, but you couldn't quite place a finger on it.

"Let's get out Y/n." Enton whispered, his face taking on a new soft look. All you did to respond was nod and reach out to open the car door. Soon after sliding out of the vehicle, you noticed that besides the fact that the boys were looking at you, they remained unmoving, besides Enton, who climbed out after you. "Come on." Was all he said, carefully ushering you to continue towards the greenery. That's when you realized where he was actually taking you. You couldn't believe it, you blinked several times to make sure you were actually seeing this correctly. This is a graveyard, but not just any graveyard. This was the graveyard that your father had been buried.

"What do you think?"

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