Chapter 2: The Hit

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   "Yes, I would like that." The young female beamed at him, making it clear that she appreciates his kindness and company. The black desk she was sitting at was coincidentally made for two, so she pulled the chair out for him to sit in.

Y/n tucked a strand of her h/c locks behind her ear before turning to him and letting a awkward chuckle escape her lips. They both sat in a thick awkward silence as the holder of the questions studied them. While she did, the boy sitting opposite of her took that time to really admire the female, taking in all of her features happily. From her plump, pink lips that wore an adorably nervous smile  to her intruiging, e/c orbs that held an ocean full of emotions.

"So what's your name?" The random question snapped him out of his staring, the girl now looking up after reading the first question, different from her posture from before. To that, he just reached behind his head to gently rub his neck, plastering a confident yet graceful smile on his pale face.

"My name is Hinata, yours beautiful~?" A sudden heat rushed to her face at his statement, turning it a bright red. The truth is, she wasn't completely sure if he was attempting some type of flirting or just acting nice, either way, flirting was a weakness of hers, so her best move was to awkwardly avoid eye contact. A wave of uneasiness washed over her being at the speed of his advances, but ultimately decided against her gut feeling.

"Your silly but thanks, hehe! My name is Y/n." She simply stated with that same perturbed feeling continuing to grow inside of her stomach. Of course, he was kind, but something about his caring gaze threw her off, like there was a whole other side to that grin he held.

"That's a lovely name for a lovely lady. I'll ask the next, what did you do over the summer?" He grinned as the female began to reminisce that was engrossed with work, but of course, she ignored that part and focused on the good events. Certainly she didn't want him to become saddened or feel sympathetic so she just smiled a toothy grin while listing some simple things. "All the fun stuff, hehe. Cooking, drawing, fishing, reading, writing, and hanging out with friends." Nothing of what the upbeat female said was a false statement, truly she participated in fun activities and had a blast, made the best of her summer. Some things, however, are meant to be left behind, plus, she had adjusted to her chores and responsibilities during that period of time so it never bothered her. "What about you?" The girl then relaxed into the school vhair after finishing up her short yet eventful list.

They spent the amount of time they were given to converse, actually hitting it off pretty well putting aside his flirtatious remarks and actions. After all that time, they learned a good amount of characteristics, hobbies, and/or quirks about eachother. For example, a tid bit of what she learned about the rather mysterious male is that he is intelligent, smart, and has quite the passion for the different forms of art, though he prefers drawing.

On the other hand, he learned that the spirited female is funny, kind, an animal lover that currently owned two dogs, a cat, and a snake, three younger siblings, caring, and many other things. No doubt, he could go on for days about the variety of things that Hinata had learned about the female, but he would rather keep that quiet for now.

Y/n began to gather everything for the next period after writing both names on the assignment to turn in. Nature green eyes remained on her moving figure just as the bell rang throughout the class, signifying the start of the next period. This saddened the male, he didn't want to depart with his work partner, he was just getting to know her and wanted to know more, everything.

"Well, see ya tomorrow!" She exclaimed while waving and walking out the door to travel to her next period, the boy just waved back while smiling happily to himself. This day was truly an eye opening day for him, he decided. Y/n was perfect, she was so perfect that within the one class period, he knew he her.

Next class was AP government, AP gov for short, and this is certainly one if the classes she held worry for. Why? Well, because last year was a struggle due to AP human geography, one of the best teachers, yet a hellish difficulty in tests and assignments.

Y/n made constant A's while being enrolled in all honors, but even she was presented with a major struggle in that course, which actually surprised the intelligent female. She put her every effort towards AP Human, however this might have been exactly what the savvy student needed to drive her to try even harder, rather than settling and just relying on her wits in other classes.

The whole period went by like most, the teacher presenting themselves, stating rules, then explaining the course. After learning about AP Government and the instructor, by the name of Mr. Cirin, they were given a rather simple task to complete the night of; "Write three things about yourself on a piece of paper."

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