Chapter 10

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At the moment, you were giving the book Theodore had recommended, 'Blood Rain', a quick read through. It was of your interest and definitely worth a read, but you were guessing now wasn't the time to continue further into the story. Why? Because the awkward atmosphere was polluting the potential good time you could be having. Sure, you were in a library, but it's always good to make the better out of things right? Plus, Theodore had been eyeing you for the past 5 minutes, it's like he had nothing else to look at, not even for a split second. It was actually slightly chilling.

You suddenly slammed the book closed and smiled happily, looking at your 'date'. The sudden actions slightly scared him, but he soon returned your smile since he knew you were finally going to socialize.

"It seems great so far, suited for a nerd like yourself." You teased, slumping back comfortably in the wooden library chair.

"I know you are, but what am I?"

"Ha ha ha, so funny. Now, you asked me on a date, so I'm expecting to he entertained." It had been a tiny bit more than two weeks since you've known him and you could already feel the weight off your shoulder while near him. The suffocating urge to act sweet to everyone around was tiring, so you deeply appreciated when someone allowed you to act as yourself and not judge you. And Theodore, he took in every second of the real you, savoring the fact that he was one of the chosen ones.

Obviously, he took it as it was intended to be taken and snorted slightly, raising his eyebrow at you.

"Oh really? My job?"

"Mhm~ what are we going to do here?"

"Well, while listening to one of your adorable rambling sessions, you mentioned the fact that your interested on death and the supernatural, am I right?" You blushed slightly then nodded. "Good, come here." He stood up before starting to urge you, wanting you to tag along. Actually, you were interested, so you decided to follow suit behind him as he held your hand. What could you say? You had always been intrigued by the mysterious deaths of many.

Since you started to feel embarrassed, you fidgeted your hand slightly, trying to untangle your fingers. But this didn't work, it accomplished the opposite as Theodore only tightened the grip on your hand.

"You know my hand isn't going to run away right?"

"Can't risk my princess getting away now can I?"

"D-don't call me that..."


"No nicknames..!"

"Can't promise anything princess, I'll do my best, oh!" He stopped in his tracks, turned to the right, and pulled out a random book. The abrupt stop caused you to run into his back, making you shuffle back as he turned to showcase the chosen book to you. "Here, we can read this then!" He chirped happily while holding it up. It was a large book with a black cover and green text that read 'Mysterious Murders'. You raised your eyebrow at him, a smile stretching acrossed your face.

"I see, we should go read it somewhere else though, I'm not made for being quiet." You joked, letting out a chuckle at the end.

"Of course, is there anywhere you want to go?"

"I could kill for some ice cream right now." You admitted, giving your lips a quick lick. Theodore shifted slightly at your action, a light red spreading on his face.

"O-of course! Anything for my princess." Before you could further fluster him, he hurried off to the front desk. 'Cute'

Just as you were about to hurry after him, you gazed in the area that the  book was taken from. There was a variety of different books, but one in specific caught your eye. 'Demons in the Shadows - Kindapping Theories and Stories' You had always thought the idea of demons and other paranormal activities were silly yet fascinating. The theories were so creative and sometimes had such a grounded sense of reality, which made it seem that much more real.

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