Chapter 35

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A rough clutch on your hand slightly scared you as you looked back to the red haired male. Out of all times, why did he have to stop you right now?

"I need you, it's an emergency!!" He stressed, his breathing ragged like he had just ran a mile. Maybe he did, but you could care less right now, you were just about to get your friendship back on track.

"Last time you said that, you just wanted me to watch you play basketball. I'm busy Yin." Your eyebrow raised, your face emotionless, and your tone harsh. You couldn't let him phase you at the moment, even Enton had warned you that they might try.

"No it's serious this time..! I.. It's Theodore..!" Yin yelled, his tone laced with genuine worry and seriousness. His sentence was too vague, and because of that, multiple situations flew through your brain. Was he in the hospital? Is he dead? What happened?

All the thoughts began to bundle together and just merged into a giant cloud of worry that plagued your mind.

"What's going on?!" You asked a little too loudly, stepping closer to the stressed male. His face seemed to soften, as if he deemed you too innocent to hear what the situation entailed.

"He... He... Please just come with me, I'll explain on the way, I promise." He pleaded, trying to rush you away from the scene. In that moment, you knew there was a large possibility that he was lying, that everything was fine and he was just being petty to your two friends. However, if something actually occurred and Theodore is or was in danger, you wanted to be there. On the slim chance that something happened, you needed to console or help him, cause you knew he'd do the same.

However, Enton warned you multiple times, did he see it coming? Who's word should you put first?

"Fine, but you better not be lying." Without any more thinking, you started to run, following wherever Yin ran. Hopefully Kaira and Kori have a little sympathy for the situation, but that can't be assured. And you knew you wouldn't blame them for that.

How did it come to this point? Sacrificing your two best friends, over a new guy best friend you haven't know nearly as long. Were you a bad person? You suddenly had a want, a need to be someone else rather than you. Better yet, have someone else tell you what's best at all times, life would be a hell of a lot easier.

You were completely engulfed in your thoughts, and before you knew it, you and Yin were standing in front of their mansion. The red head paced forward and began to unlock the gate and everything, ushering you inside. Concerned ran through your veins as you approached the door, you now knew he wasn't in the hospital, which was a good sign. Still, you didn't know what to expect at all upon entering, since you were given no details on the situation at hand.

Immediately after you approached the door, a servant opened it for you, you and Yin politely thanking him as you walked in.

"Where is he and what happened?" You asked,  your eyes scanning the room in a panic. The red head softly intertwined his hands in yours smoothly before escorting you upstairs, towards Theodore's room much more slowly.

"Listen...  Y/n... Theodore he.." He Yin paused as the both of you continued walking. "He attempted suicide." Yin said, his voice sounding rather squeaky. Your whole body became stiff as your eyes widened.


Your whole body was paralyzed, comepletely unsure of how you were supposed to feel about it. Theodore needed a hug, a big big hug.

You really didn't have anytime to think since Yin was dragging you gradually down the hallway.

While traveling there, you caught the eyes of the same maid from last time, her eyes at first emotionless, but softening into a sympathetic gaze as you both quickly shifted in and out of her view.

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