Chapter 8

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"I kissed her~"

That simple phrase brought an unmistakeable feeling of anger to fill his whole being. He would have lunged out of his seat right then and there if you hadn't stepped back into the room, a cute smile plastered on your lightened face. Both boys immediately turned their focus back on you, excitement took a hold of both males on the special treatment of their beloved.

"Thank you!" Laiza happily chimed, grabbing the bowl and digging into the delicious looking noodles.

"Thank you Y/n." The other boy politely thanked you, shifting slightly closer and raising his fork to his mouth. The sight of them enjoying your dish satisfied you considering the kids at home were your worst critics, it was nice to know you weren't that bad at cooking. While they ate, you noticed their eyes were glued to you most of the time, if not, they were fixed on eachother as they spoke. As soon as Hinata finished, he set the bowl on the side table, resting his hand on your thigh soon after. Your body moved uncomfortably and tensed sligjtly, he knew exactly what he was doing, and Laiza was surely not happy.

"I think joining drama is great and all, but why not the art club? That's what I'm in~" Hinata began to rub circles on your thigh, causing you to turn away to conceal the forming blush, biting your lip due to your sensitivity. Laiza's mouth formed a line, his golden eyes threatening the other male.

"Y-yeah...I...I would rather drama though s...since I'm not artistic." You were slightly choking on your words, finding it hard to hold in all of your sounds. The dark haired male, however, had an amused smirk playing acrossed his face, showing his interest. On the other side of the scale, Laiza released a low growl, scooting closer as well just to set his hand on your other thigh.

"Ah, I get it, but you should consider it~" Both of their hands began to slide up your thigh slowly, making your breath stop entirely, closing your eyes. Their fingers trailing up your legs left little electiric shocks of pleasure that you loved. The want to push their hands away was blocked by a sudden wave of exhaustion filling you. Just as they were inching closer to your underwear, a fourth entered the room, clearing his throat in a attention grabbing manor. Both hands ripped away from your skin, but somehow, you could still feel the tingling from their touch.

"I told you to stay away from not only my friends, but my house..." Enton growled, clearly aggravated at your disobedience. "And you two, what do you think your doing...?" The blue haired male spat once again, his fists clenching along with his teeth. The other males stared blankly at their friend, not understanding what they did wrong.

"Well...I begged her to tutor me, so it's not Y/n's fault." Laiza stood up for you, quickly sending a smile your way. Enton processed that while he looked over you three, shaking his head.

"Fine, whatever, whatever, I don't have time for this. Laiza, I need your help." As soon as the last word left his lips, the blue haired male's eyes darkened slightly with a more serious look as Laiza's expression did the same. He quickly nodded in agreeance.

"I'll be back Y/n." He claimed, turning to smile at you before walking off with Enton. You waved him off, a slight tinge of worry and suspicion running through your mind. Yeah, he just asked him for a favor essentially, but the looks they exchanged entailed something more. You figured you were overthinking it and sighed, leaning back onto their couch. The thick tension that filled the room left you uncomfortable, so you asked the first thing you could think of.

"Hey, you said you were in the art club, so do you draw?" You questioned curiously, glancing over at him. He perked up at your voice, his lips curling into a smile.

"Yep, would you like to see some?" He stood up, dusted off his pants, then offered his hand out. You accepted, reaching your own out and hopping up making him take lead.

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