Chapter 9

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"Stop! I'm going to kill the both of you!" You pushed them playfully while crippling in laughter, Kaira and Kori accompanying you in a giggling fit.

"Nope! Nope! Nope! Haha!" The three of you had been joking around this whole period since it was, yet again, a free period. The remaining students didn't care though, they were busy chatting themselves.

"So Y/n~ What's going on between you and those four guys~?" Kori teased, sticking her index finger at you expectantly. There was an amused smirk playing on her face due to your now flushed face. They both knew your lack of interest in guys, but they noticed how much care you held for the four males, dare they say five, including Enton.

"N-nothing, absolutely nothing, we have no feelings for each other." You crossed your arms and shut your eyes in a dismissive manor, thinking you had won the argument. Kaira and Kori, however, knew better than that. To further embarrass you, Kori poked your side's playfully with a smirk before teasing again.

"Oh come on~ you haven't kissed~? Gone further~?" A bright red dominated your face as a few male peers looked that way, over hearing what was said. At an attempt to stop her from talking mid-way through her sentence, you stuck your hand up tried to gently push it over her mouth.

"We d-did not..! Who do you take me for??" You managed to stutter out in defense, keeping your hand over her mouth. It was clear that atleast one assumption was correct, so Kaira decided to take her chance before her mouth was covered to.

"So you did kiss one of them?" The remaining female voiced in a suggestive tone, now positive that her and her partner were, in fact, right. Before you could even attempt to defend yourself, she leaned in slightly closer and raised an eyebrow. "Who~?" Her prying was giving you not only a headache, but a huge amount of embarrassment. By the way her blue eyes gazed at you, the mischief told you that this was her goal, and boy she succeeded. Kaira wasn't one to succumb to boy drama or indulge in it, but annoying you was a different story.

"Why should I tell you?" You retorted, an appropriate amount of sas in your tone. Obviously, with her attitude, you had no obligations of telling her anything. Kaira just snorted before ripping your hand off of Kori's mouth, leaving her slightly winded.

"Because, I'm your best friend, I deserve to know~" She sent you a look of anticipation as if she knew you were going to tell her. And she wasn't wrong.

"Well... I kissed Laiza and Hinata...." For some reason, just saying their names caused butterflies in your stomach. Not surprisingly, both girls perked up slightly at the new information, shocked. Kori couldn't help but beam at you, clearly happy with the idea while Kaira's reaction was the quite the contrary. Kaira's face contorted into one with worry yet curiosity upon hearing this news. In sync, the two screeched while shooting out of their seats.

"Really!?" Opposite to the bundle of excitement Kori was, Kaira was visibly concerned although still slightly enthusiastic. Everyone passed glances at your group from the sudden outburst, but soon went back to their own business.

"What's wrong with that Kaira..?" You questioned, leaning forward slightly with your hands on the desk. They both resumed their previous position of sitting as Kaira still held slight concern in her voice.

"I love that your finally opening yourself up to a guy, or that you found interests, but I've never really liked them. Every time I see them, I get a bad feeling, especially when you hang near them, it's hard to explain..." She trailed off, assuming you were possibly mad, although you weren't. After taking a second to think, you propped your head up on your hand and shook your head with a smile tempting your face.

"I can understand that, although, they are very sweet. Plus, you don't need to like them, I do." You countered, tilting your head slightly in a cute manor. The two other girls gazed at eachother before shrugging and giggling, continuing your normal talk.

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