Chapter 24

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"Oh wow." Your mouth was agape at the breathtaking interior of the new venue, a new, high-class restaurant. Typically, you didn't enjoy eating in such a fancy-pants place, not only because of the expensive food, but the serving size. Although, you had to bldmit, the appearance was one of the prettiest of them all, sculpted to perfection, nearly beating the museum in looks.

The outside held a path over water, which had small tress that were painted an elegant green on random circles of grass emerging from the water, and that led to the rather open building. It was built with a mixture of materials ranging from marble to polished looking wood, pulling off the 'To costly for you' vibe. And don't even get started on the inside.

The interior had tables clothed with a white table cloth, nice matching chairs, and a candle placed in the middle. The walls held a multitude of large, clear windows that overlooked the city below, stunning to say the least. There was also an option to sit outside over the view, which was also gorgeous, no wonder rich people enjoyed eating out so much! If regular restaurants looked like this, you would eat out regularly. Although it would be bad to bring the kids to a place that nearly everything was breakable, they have that sort of tendency. 

"I see you like it huh?" Yin questioned while sliding his arm around your shoulders, removing the space between the both of you. Some might be uncomfortable from his actions, but you were too used to it to even give him a second thought. Something about his posture said 'full of himself', so you contemplated saying no to resist inflating his ego further, but that would be a fat lie--an obvious one at that.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." You said. You guessed you had lost track of time at staring at it since Yin began to gently nudge you further, urging you to walk across the bridge. Now snapped out of your thoughts, you began to move forward, still scanning everything around. That's when you began to really ponder something, why did Yin want to take you here of all places? The trouble maker of the group, the least fancy or polite, taking you to a high class restaurant, it seemed like one of the last things he would think about, there must be something else he was looking forward to.

Before you could bring the inquiry to his attention, you all had stepped in and the female waiter smiled at you politely, her gaze lingering on you a bit longer than the comfortable amount. She had half pink and half dark purple hair with two ponytails on both sides of her head, an oddly fitting cut for the girl. Speaking of which, she had one pink and one dark purple eyes, which made you seriously consider the fact that they both had to be contacts.

"Hello, thank you for coming to The Eclipse, do you have a reservation?" She said with an oddly soft and alluring voice, grabbing the tablet and looking into your e/c eyes.

"Yes, we do, it's under Yin Demura." Yin spoke up. That was the first time you had heard his last name, is it weird to say that his last name was very pretty? Too classy for him... shots fired.

"Okay, let me check. Here you are, follow me." She spent a few seconds tapping at her pad, but soon looked into Yin's eyes and showed you off to your table. You had to admit, her voice and the way she looked at you generated a tense feeling, but after witnessing her do the same to the boys, it didn't feel as weird figuring it's probably just how she is normally.

"My name is Chitose and I will be your waiter today, so to start you off, what would you like to drink?" She questioned once we finally got set in at the table. You quickly looked at the drink menu, which consisted of sparkling water, soda, and fancy wine, which sounded good at the moment, but of course, you were not of age. Chitose looked to you first, exactly opposite of what you wanted, but you decided on the most healthy decision. 

"I'll have water." You said, straightening in your chair. The rest of the boys quickly answered and she left to retrieve your drinks, coming back in a matter of seconds to place them on the table in record time. She stood there for a second while watching all of you scan the menu, realizing you had not been here before and had no idea what to get she smiled and bowed. 

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