Chapter 13

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'Sorry about this morning Y/n, I was grumpy.'

'Don't worry, it's fine. I'm sorry I left so soon, I didn't want to get between you and Enton.'

'It's okay my dear, I was just hoping to invite you to church with me Sunday, but Enton just butted in for no reason.'

'Oh, I didn't know you go to church, I've got plans, but maybe next weekend or something..?'

'Really? I always have my cross bracelet on, im surprised you haven't noticed. I would love that ❤'

'Alright, well I'm taking care of the kids so I'll talk to you soon.'

After texting Hinata, you finally looked up from your phone to your friends. Yeah, you had the kids, but your friends made the generous offer of helping with the children, and you would never pass up time with them. In front of you sat Kaira, Kori, Soreva's friend Lilly, and Soreva herself, even Toffee was with you, snuggling in your lap.

"The kids are so cute!! I'd die to have siblings like them!" Soreva gushed, throwing her hands over her cheeks. You had just finished making your siblings lunch, so currently, they were occupied with eating.

"Oh trust me, they're a handful, especially Arin. I guess thats what happens when I have to take care of them twenty-four-seven. But, I do love them." You stated, a smile spreading on your lips.

"Twenty-four-seven? Aren't your parents supposed to take care of them?" Lily questioned, raising a judging eyebrow. The group fell awfully silent, making Lily immediately regret her question as she gazed down and tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. Soreva quickly glanced at you sympathetically before turning her gaze to Lily, giving a quick shake to the head.

"Don't." Soreva mouthed.

"It's fine, I understand you may be curious. My mom is constantly away on business and my dad died from cancer when I was ten." You admitted, the smile faltering slightly. After speaking, everyone was silent for a few seconds.

"ANYWAYS, you're joining the drama club right Y/n??" Kori pushed past the depressing subject as you nodded in response. "So lucky!! One of the hottest boys in school is there!" She raved, repeatedly slapping her thighs. This reaction prompted a disappointed sigh to escape your lips before a chuckle, along with the shake of your head.

"I'm going because I haven't joined a club and it seems interesting, not for a boy to notice me." You retorted, rolling your eyes at her fangirling.

"Yeah, when's the last time Y/n attempted to get a boyfriend." Soreva chimed in, giggling with the group.

"Well.. what's been going on with the your boys you hang with?" Kaira teased, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manor. "You did say--"

"We're strictly friends." You interrupted, clearly uncomfortable with the upcoming theme. Toffee shifted in your lap slightly, gazing up at you.

"Wait, what did she say?" Lily questioned, looking at Kaira. Before she could say anything, you stared at her, basically giving her a warning with your eyes. Kaira flicked her gaze between you both before speaking, a smirk grazing her lips.

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