Chapter 23

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"Really?" Laiza whined, looking at you with puppy eyes.

"Yes really, I like their outfit better." You stated honestly, even though you were positive that the prices affected your perception. What could you say? Let's not even mention the fact that the outfit they had bought was very obvious, as in your cleavage and butt werr out and proud. Not personally what you would wear, at all, ever.

"Well, you look beautiful in anything love." Hinata spoke out. The dark haired male actually liked the clothing that Theodore and Enton decided on better, which meant he was most likely left out in the process. Poor HInata.

"Thanks, how about we head out?" To be honest, you weren't that thrilled to leave and have the guys spoil you ten-times more, but you also hated being shoved and elbowed by others in the mall, so you would rather leave. Of course, everybody agreed and followed you out and back to the car. Here we go, another uncomfortable ride filled with awkward silence and copious amounts of contact. Even if it's with Enton, the person who makes your heart pound your ribcage, it doesn't make it any less of a unbearable experience.

After an even longer drive with an even more strained atmosphere, you finally arrived at the second location of the day; the art museum. When you climbed out of the car and figured this out, you glanced around at all the boys and several people here. Your best guest was that Hinata suggested it, because let's be honest, when's the last time you seen the rest of the guys give two shits about art? Never, exactly. The closest to that would be Laiza, but even he isn't known to treasure paintings and such.

The outside of the building was art itself, primarily made out of glass. It was a more cylindrical building with a sunset orange covering the walls and swirling small designs on the glass. It wouldn't be difficult to convince someone that this was the experience itself, even if a person never really took interest in art, they would for sure find the sight mesmerizing. 

"I see you're already enjoying it huh?" Hinata questioned, sliding his hand into yours slyly. "I've been here too many times, so I'll show you around." He acted as if there was nobody else there besides you two, and maybe some girls might prefer that, but you find it distasteful considering you traveled with a group. 

"Yeah, I'd love for you to show us around." You said, which translated to 'you wish this was a date, but we have people with us, INCLUDE THEM'. Before hurrying off with you, he chuckled and raised his hand, motioning for the rest to accompany you both. There wasn't many people as it was no special occasion and your town isn't know for being 'artistic', noting that, it wasn't crowded and you were quick to get in. Yeah, there was an additional amount of people that you didn't expect since, again, art isn't as popular. You would think that a majority might spend their spare time doing something more active, like an arcade, bowling, or even going out to eat, maybe lounging around if they were lazy, but going to an art museum would seem to be low on a weekend activity list.

Anyway, you and the group walked around and examined the many panintings, sculptures, and others, enjoying the beautiful and sometimes abstract arts. Despite the silence in the building, you guys made fun with everything, but of course, didn't disrespect the art. In fact, they urged you to act like a guide and even make up names to all the pieces without seeing the actual names, thinking up stupid titles like 'guy with large eye' or 'colors thrown on a canvas', it was amusing to say the least. 

The experience wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining without them, you had definitely recognized that. Theodore was fascinated with every piece, along with Hinata, while Laiza and Yin joked around and savored you. They looked around and pointed out paintings and such that they liked, but it was so obviously not their main focus, it was, instead, you. Enton really revelled in all the beautiful pieces, but couldn't help his side eye glances to make sure you were comfortable. Bless his heart, you could tell he took pleasure in everything, but wanted you to do the same.

Everyone was starting to get bored, it was blatant with all of their quiet whining and disregard for some art, so you all started to head towards the exit. But, a little before you arrived at the exit, Hinata ushered you to a separate room than the rest of the group. The new area wasn't so different than the last, after so long, the artwork began to look the same. The only difference was the bench located against the wall in the back, you actually noticed that benches were scattered throughout the building.

You two looked at each other before he softly pulled you towards the bench and sat with you, your hand now in his. It stayed like that for a while, you actually observed that this space was empty, contrary to the others, making you believe that this was planned. I mean, he did seem to have an in depth knowledge of the layout, so maybe he arranged disbanding from the rest.

"I wanted to talk with you, alone." He finally said, keeping your hand locked in his. You looked at him and nodded, urging him to continue. "I just want you to know that I really care for you, and appreciate you spending time with us." A crimson rushed to his cheeks, which was quite adorable. Yes, a week ago or so your heart would have probably collapsed at that moment from his words, but here you were, although flattered, unaffected. No raised heartbeat, troubling feelings that made you feel high, not even a single butterfly in your stomach. Why? Could your feelings have changed that fast?

"It's no problem, you guys are my friends and I enjoy the time I spend with you." You admitted, a beautiful smile stretching on your lips. His mouth hung slightly open as he bored his emerald green eyes into your e/c orbs, it was as if he wanted to tell you more, but like always, someone was there to interrupt.

"So this is where you guys went." Enton stepped closer to you both, his hands engulfed completely by his pockets. You could tell just by the disturbed look on his face that he didn't appreciate your sneaking off, and even more than that, your alone time with Hinata. He was especially displeased with the sight of his hand clutching yours.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to her." The dark haired male let out a sigh, looking up at the other.

"No, I get it it's fine, we just worried. Tell us next time alright?" He glanced at both of us, taking his hand out of his pockets momentarily to rub his neck. "By the way, everybody is ready to leave." He stayed put in his place, staring expectantly at us, basically waiting until we got up and left. You couldn't lie, you were glad he came, because you wouldn't have been surprised if a kiss happened sometime after your chat, seeing as that's what seems to happen when you're alone with the guys. And you didn't want anybodies love right now since you can't even figure out your own feelings, too much confusion. He continued his interlude, almost as if he was our middle school guardian making sure we stayed a safe distance from each other. 

"Of course, I apologize." The dark haired male glared daggers at him while Enton maintained an emotionless expression and straight posture. Despite the obvious anger he held in for the other, he put on a poker face and stood up, helping you do the same. Like always, you found yourself stuck in a thick tension between both of them, fortunately Hinata left the room without saying another word. Before you could follow, Enton grabbed your arm gently and pulled you into himself, a smile now gracing his lips. 

"I'm glad you're alright." Unconsciously, you hugged him back, it felt like two puzzle pieces clicking together. It was oddly satisfying and unnaturally calming, it felt meant to be, much like the others had at some point. Wonder what happened to that. 

You breathed in the sweet scent of cologne, wanting the moment to last forever. It's insane really. The smallest thing, a hug, meant so much right now. It felt so right.

"We should probably leave as well, are you okay?" He questioned, loosening his grasp and smiling down at you. Your head tilted up to look at him, without thinking you said;

"Yeah, perfect."

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