Chapter 22

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Leonardo Point Of View

Damn you, Niccolo!

Damn you for ruining my romantic time with Lilliput!

Damn you for blaming me for your Mistress runaway.

Damn you for being a dead meat now.

If it would be someone else, I would've no doubt killed him but you are lucky to be my best friend.

"Nic, Damn it, Open the damn door." I yelled at the top of lungs.

I should be having good time with Lilliput and making up for the disturbance Niccolo has created. But here I am at Niccolo's penthouse, outside his room waiting for him to open the door. This mad man has gone even more crazy after his mistress is gone.

Argh! He's lucky that I care for him a lot and immediately came to comfort him.

"Niccolo Russo, you better open the door before I break in" I warned and waited for him. Minutes went by but he didn't make any move to open the door.

That's it! I'm not going to wait here all night for him to get to his right senses.

So, using all the strength I gather from extreme work out, I broke the door and went inside only to find Niccolo sprawled on the floor with many empty alcohol bottles around.

I walked closer and squatted near him. He was murmuring something in the effect of heavy alcohol.

"Nic, Nic, wake up. What the hell is wrong with you?" I shook him violently to wake him.

He stirred a little and started to crap out some nonsense. I shook him more but he started speaking something about his life without his Pheobe and how he is dead without her in his life.

Such a pussy he is!

"Leo, I need her. Ssshe is m-y life. I need – her." He rasped out, with half opened eyes looking so knocked out.

"Nic, get your act straight. You need her? Then fine, you will have to search for her but first you need to stand up on your two feet and get your senses back. Such a fool you are to get yourself into this pathetic sh*t just for a lady." I said and splashed a mug of water on his face to wake him up from his delirious state.

He laughed out like a mad person "I – love her – so much" He said between hiccups. I immediately brought a glass of water and helped him into a sitting position and made him take few sips of water.

He will get himself killed one day for his worthless mistress.

Such an a**

"I want her back, Leo. I need her. Why would she go away from me? Contract or not, she is bound to me forever. Can she not understand that? You know what Leo, she always wanted me to marry someone with good family so that she couldn't be a hindrance in my life and career but I always wanted only her in my life. What if I cannot marry her, she is and always be mine. I don't want any other lady besides her. Will you bring her back for me? Please." He pleaded me with so much desperation, hope and melancholy that it broke my heart.

My best friend is lying down on ground like a homeless person and crying for someone he cannot have. What can I do now?

What can I do for him?

I want my best friend back who used to kick me for my dirty mouth. Who use to prank me.

"Niccolo, I will try to get your lady back. If the key to your happiness is your mistress Pheobe, then I'll try my best to know where she is. Now please get up and shower. I already asked the cook to prepare something to eat." I said softly, trying to pick him from the ground.

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