The Mafia Monk - New Story

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"I kill for living" I said seriously expecting the beauty before me to back away in fear. I leaned close towards her and brought my face just inches away from her beautiful pinkish face.

"Kill? Kill what?" She frowned. I internally hit my forehead at the raising annoyance. She didn't back away from the closeness, in fact she did not observe it at all. She was to mush into the conversation.

"Of course I Kill people. I'm not into poultry to raise and kill chicken." I scoffed and leaned in closer to intimidate her.

I was expecting her to shriek, cry, yell and run away far from me but What I got in response was what exactly you expect from the beauty. The unexpected answer.

"So you clean too. Nice." She told herself with a smile and a appreciative nod.

"Goodness, What and why would I clean?" Furrowing my brows in confusion and utter disbelief, I shook my head to compose myself.

"You said you kill people. You kill bad people to do welfare to the Earth so you are cleaning away dirt right?"

That did it. I, Demyan Lev Petrov, the most powerful, ruthless and dangerous king of Mafia, accept that I lost the argument to her.

Zinnia Mae White, the most innocent and a mental girl I ever got lucky to meet. That crazy girl doesn't know whom to fear and whom not to. The day she entered my life was the day my happy, bloody, dangerous life, she turned it, crushed it and made me lose my sanity with everything she does and says.

But Damn, I love that in her so much.

I love her

This mental, fickle minded, school teacher of mine!

My Zinnia, My insane solace.


Hello Sweeties,

Hope you enjoy the new Mafia Romance Humor book.

Add it to your reading list and please shower the book with love. It's a new concept. 

Hope you all like it.

Lots of Love

Lady Prim

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