Chapter 26

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Leonardo Point Of View


She is MINE. I bought her and Only I have the right to touch her.

"Leo –"He started but yet again I cut him off "It's Mr. Bianchi for you, your highness. Get that into your useless brain."

I am seething in anger at the sight of him. Arsenio Garcia, the man I hate the most on this earth. His middle names are pain and betrayal.

"Leo –"

"What is King of Malaga doing here? Are you out of work or out of women that your highness is flocking around my territory?" I added sarcastically tying to contain my anger and hate for this man. I might kill him right now for what he did three years ago.

To get myself into control, I turned towards my property who is standing silently with a scared look on her.

Wasn't she sick just few minutes ago! One look at a man and all the sickness is forgotten. Such a wench she is.

My rational side finally shut down totally and my animal instincts took hold of my emotions. All I see is red and all I think of is to murder that man. Long forgotten my limits and now I'm just a monster wants to claim his prize.

She is showing her true self I see.

"Showing your true colors, aren't you, my wench! Here I thought you are very sick and look what you are doing. Playing s*x with your next target." I gritted and gripped her jaw in a tight hold scolding her by dragging her to an empty room. She winced in pain but I am so blinded in my rage that I can think sane.

"Leo, Leonardo. For F**k sake, what are you doing? Leave her. What the hell are you thinking you are doing?" His Swine Highness followed me, yelled and tried to pry me away from her but my grip on her only tightened.

"Look, the lover boy is concerned over you. Isn't this an 'aww' moment? But Lilliput, if you want a man in your bed, you just need to ask me, your master. But instead you are trying for another man? You want someone to warm your bed right? Well, you will get that." I took hold of her arm in a tight grip and dragged her savagely thinking nothing but to tie her up in my punishment room.

"N-No, please, No-" She cried out but nothing is getting to my ears.

"Joder, déjala ir. Qué le estás haciendo a ella? No tomes la ira que me tienes en ella" He commanded like any of his words would affect me. He pulled her out of my grip and that action alone broke the last twig of control I had.

With a hard blow, I punched him right on his jaw for which he stumbled back a little. I didn't give him a chance to get stable from my blow and just punched him over and over.

What surprised me was he didn't defend himself from my punches but that did not matter to me. What he did in the past and what he was doing now with my Lilliput is unforgivable.

"How dare you come here? How dare you touch her? What happened your highness, why aren't you defending yourself? Where are your fight skills? You must have grown a spine to come back here."

"I - *cough*" He spewed out a little blood and continued "I want to meet h- er, j-just once."

"The hell you will. I will never let you come face to face with her ever. You have done enough before and I'm never allowing anywhere near. YOU DON"T EVEN DESERVE TO TAKE HER NAME FROM YOUR DIRTY MOUTH."

"Mr. Bianchi... Mr. Bianchi. Please stop. Please-"Lilliput started crying and held my tight fist just as I was about to give this Swine a power punch.

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