L. The Invitation

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Song: Atlantis by Seafret

Song: Atlantis by Seafret

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"Queen Daenerys Targaryen, First of her Name, invites you to Dragonstone. My queen commands the combined forces of Dorne and the Reach, an Ironborn fleet, legions of Unsullied, a Dothraki horde and three dragons. The Seven Kingdoms will bleed while Queen Cersei sits on the Iron throne.

Queen Daenerys has requested you specifically, Lady Fianna of Baelfort, on a matter of personal affairs, and hopes you will accept her invitation.

Tyrion Lannister."

"You're not going," Robb commanded the second she finished reading it aloud, something she couldn't escape from doing as his suspicious glare ran through her the second he spotted the seal. She cursed the serving girl who delivered the scroll in the first place in front of her family instead of in her own privacy, but it truly wasn't anyone's fault.

It was as if the Gods had been judging her for withholding a secret from her husband, and decided to expose her deceitfulness.

"I didn't say I was, Robb," she replied in a cool tone, avoiding meeting his eyes and choosing instead to focus on a small blade of grass that had tangled itself into Eddie's curls, picking it out gently.

"It's a trap. A Lannister and a Targaryen working together? House Stark's two greatest enemies have joined forces and seek your presence. My wife," he ranted on, standing behind the chair he originally sat in and squeezing the wooden back so tight his knuckles whitened.

"I'm not a Stark," she whispered quietly, unsure of what else there was to say. Her mind had been reeling since reading the scroll, endless possibilities soaring through her mind. But the question at the front of her brain was - did Daenerys Targaryen know?

It seemed as if she was aware of something at the very least, after all, she personally requested to speak with Fianna. It couldn't have been long since her arrival to Westeros, for the North had not yet even heard of her alliances nor her reclaiming of Dragonstone. Of all the men and women in the Seven Kingdoms, Daenerys wished to speak with her - a Northern lady.

"You're as every bit Stark as our children," Robb sighed, rounding the table and lowering himself down to a knee beside her chair, taking her hand comfortingly in his.

It was then that she knew, looking into his bright, Tully blue eyes, that she could no longer lie to him. Lack of trust had been a detrimental factor in their relationship before the Red Wedding, she wasn't going to let it overcome her marriage now.

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