01 | The Alliance

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The guilds atmosphere was perfectly normal. The usual level of quite so people could drink with delight and perfect etiquette. Guild members shared small laughs as some told jokes. Glasses clinked together as friends shared stories of their times on jobs, trying to show the other up. Everything was perfect. Everything was peaceful until she walked in.

The door to the Blue Pegasus guild hall was slammed open and the bright sunlight shined through, illuminating the shadowy figure in front of them. A cheesy grin appeared on her face as she let the light show her teal eyes and her brown hair. "So, what did I miss?" Halay Winters questioned as she slammed the door shut behind her, cheers chorused around the room as her guild members greeted her.

"Halay," Jenny Realight greeted sarcastically. Even though she was still young, Jenny didn't enjoy the idea of someone other then her being in the spit light, Halay didn't mind that one bit though. The feeling was mutual. "It's nice to see you."

"Wish I could say the same Jenny." Halay responded quickly as she walked past her, sending a playful wink towards the blonde which made her face heat up in anger. The brunette slipped into one of the bar stools and dropped her skates in front of her as she smiled at her dearest friend. "Hi Bobby."

Master Bob is the leader of Blue Pegasus and a lovely man. If it wasn't for Bob then Halay would probably be dead, she ended up on their door 8 years ago. "It's lovely to see you again sweetheart. How was the job?" Bob asked her politely as he leant on his hand and smiled brightly at her.

"It went as smooth as possible." Halay chuckled nervously.

"Really?" A silk voice cut through, a shadow looming over her as she rolled her eyes. "Because we already have the bill for the building you collapsed."

"I don't remember asking you, Ren." Halay replied bitterly, sending a small and harmless glare at Ren Akatsuki, he simply shrugged and leant next to her.

"Don't be bitter, sweet cheeks." Another voice added, this time full of amusement rather then stating facts. She glanced at her closest friend who was sat next to her, Hibiki Lates.

Halay smiled at him. "Call me that again and I'm going to hit you."

"The Magic Council came looking for you a few days ago." Bob cut in, knowing full well she would go through with the threat if provoked. Halay was the strongest mage in Blue Pegasus by far, mostly because every other person in there was a flirt. She would take a job, finish it, come home for a few days and the cycle would repeat. She was a hard worker and stubborn as hell.

"Seriously?" Halay questioned in disbelief, a shock running through her body like her excess magic. Her rings reflected the lights from the ceiling as her hand hit the bar table.

"Yeah, at first we thought you had died." Eve Tearm told her as her appeared out of thin air, something the Triman do a lot which annoyed Halay like crazy.

"Eve cried for an hour." Ren stated bluntly, sending Eve red with embarrassment as he stared at his friend.

"Hey!" The blond shouted in protest.

"So why did a magic council member try and find me?" Halay asked as she looked between the four men. Her voice was soft as she tried to figure out what was going on in her head.

"We have no idea, Halay." Hibiki replied honestly, his caring nature towards the girl shinning through. "Just that Siegrain is obsessed with you."

"Siegrain?" The name sent a shiver down her spine as she grimace at the thought of the blue haired man. She hated him, not just because she looked like a childhood friend but because he was genuinely obsessed with her. Any chance he got to arrest her and bring her to the Council main base he took. "That guy gives me the creeps."

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now