38 | Real Nightmare

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The guild had been quick to stop Halay from doing anything reckless. They had kept her in the guild for as long as possible until the defeated groups came back. It was clear to see none of the groups had worked very well. Much to Halay's dismay, Keeri had disappeared the minute she, Wendy and Bickslow stepped into Magnolia and Reed was gone too. She assumed that Reed had gone to find Rose since her group hadn't come back from Kardia Catheridal.

During this time, the sky's had grown violent. The midnight blue becoming a blood red. They had lost. The Infinity Clock was now fully formed and all churches in Fiore had been destroyed, including Kardia Cathedral. The Oracion Seis were moving too quickly for Fairy Tail to keep up with them.

Halay clenched her jaw in frustration once Warren had explained the situation to the rest of the guild. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she looked intimidating, the only person brave enough to stand near her was Erza.

"Will someone explain what's going on here?" Gray demanded as he looked around, everything becoming dark and gloomy.

"It seems Michelle's true identity was the sixth member of the Neo Oracion Seis." Erza repeated in her serious tone, watching carefully as Halay's eyes grew darker in anger.

"Yeah, she was just acting all sweet and cute to fool us." Elfman growled, his ego bruised from being defeated easily.

"This is horrible." Happy muttered.

"What's worse is that they have Natsu and Lucy." Elfman finally told them which made everyone tense. They had to save their friends but there was a million other problems on their plate. "It's my fault, I wasn't manly enough to stop any of it from happening."

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Mira told her brother in sympathy.

Cana sighed deeply as she gripped her cards. "I deserve some of the blame." She announced gloomily.

"Why?" Halay questioned in confusion, not understanding why she was blaming herself. "What do you mean?"

"My cards didn't say anything about Brain The Second showing up at Cardia Catherdial and they're usually right on the money and I'm sure no one would argue that the teams I picked out worked very well." Cana responded before continuing, "Right?" She questioned the groups but she was met with silence, no one wanted to admit it. "Nobody was on the same page."

"I can definitely see your point." Gray muttered in agreement as he scratched his neck.

"We didn't agree on anything." Elfman admitted quietly.

Erza turned her head to the brunette. "Do you think an outside force used your cards against us?" She asked the card master.

"It's possible." Cana shrugged in response.

"All that running around was a giant waste of time." Gray complained in annoyance. Halay could understand his frustration, they wasted lots of magic energy trying to fight the Oracion Seis.

"If that's the case then we shouldn't waste anymore feeling sorry for ourselves." Wendy stated determinedly, everyone looking down to the sky dragon. "Natsu and Lucy are in some serious trouble right now and we need to figure out what we're going to do to help them." She continued

"Wendy's right!" Happy agreed as he sent her a smile. "Come on, let's get moving."

With morals high and the urge for revenge even stronger, the Fairy Tail guild was about to set off on their journey of beating the dark guild. That's when three men stood in their way, they were all relatively old and none of them held any threatening magic, Halay could sense that almost all of them had none.

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