18 | The Dorma Anim

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"Pathetic traitor." Erza Nightwalker spat in disgust as Pantherlily fell to the ground below them, gaining speed. "You are not a noble Exceed. You're just a lousy fallen. To think you forget your debt to our king and dare betray his orders." The counterpart then shifted her attention to the fellow red head and growled lowly. "Scarlet!" She screamed at her in anger.

"It's Nightwalker." Erza breathed out, identifying her own voice through the night.

"Let me handle this." Mystogan told the red head, knowing she'd probably do something reckless if he didn't stop her. "I've had enough of your insolence Captain Nightwalker. How dare you point you sword at me? The royal prince of Edolas."

"You? The royal prince of Edolas?" The King's voice echoed throughout the sky, making everyone put their guard up but also try and find the source. "Don't make me laugh. You don't deserve the title because I never thought of you like my son."

"That's the King's voice." Coco identified in fear.

The King laughed bitterly from where he was hiding. "You have some nerve. You can't run off for seven years then waltz back in like nothing happened. Do you think you can fool me? I know you've been in Earthland sealing all the Animas. You are a traitor as such you must be punished for your actions!" He shouted loudly, anger clear in his voice.

"Where is he?" Halay questioned as she looked around, hoping to see the King so she could attack.

"Your anima plan has failed." Mystogan replied calmly, trying to diffuse the situation. "Please surrender peacefully. There is no reason to fight anymore."

"Ridiculous." The King laughed menacingly. "Who said I need a reason to fight?" Below them, the ground started to break. A large metal ball pushed its way out of the dirt, it was clean and slick. But that wasn't what shook Halay's soul.

"Can you feel that?" She asked Erza as they hovered next to each other.

Erza nodded. "Yes."

"That's a lot of magic power in one place." The brunette muttered under her breath as she eyed the metal. There was a fight coming, anyone could tell that but they had to decide who would fight who. Without all the variables, Halay couldn't figure out a plan.

"This is not a simple fight." The King carried on as the all began to shake, small parts of the metal cracking and breaking off. "No. This is retribution. The extermination of all who would dare to oppose their king."

Rose's eyes widened at the sight of the unfamiliar object. "What is that thing?" She asked the purple haired girl as if she knew the answer.

"It looks like ... an egg." Keeri suggested, inside of what it actually was.

"Since you and your meddlesome friends are standing in my way, I have no choice to obliterate each and every one of you. Regardless of who you are." The King growled anomalistically, all his morals being thrown out of the window as the egg started to shatter.

"Father please!" The Fairy Tail wizard begged as he knew what was about to happen.

"I am not your father!" The crazy King screamed back, causing everyone to jump at the pure anger in his voice. "I am the king of Edolas! If I dispose of you here and now then I no longer have to worry about you stealing my Animas in Earthland. I'll be free to create another giant lacrima and fuse it with the Exceeds. Unlimited magic power will be mine! Try and stop me! I am the king! My power is absolute!"

The egg broke in two and out of the steam Rose a large creature. It's skin was white and it's eyes were blood red, it looked like a dragon. No. It was a dragon. That was what terrified Halay the most, she had never seen a dragon before and this was new. Anything new scared her. Her teal eyes widened at the sight, horror swimming in them as she stared at the thing on the ground.

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