12 | The Firebolt

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"You've got to be kidding me! I can't believe myself!" The loud screams of Lucy Heartfilia woke Halay up from her uncomfortable sleep on the window ledge. She grabbed her head as a small ringing was heard in her ear, the minute she stepped onto the floor she felt dizzy but it was probably Lucy giving her a headache. She rolled her shoulders with a groan, a few joints cracking as she started too feel more alive then she did moments ago.

"You're certainly energetic first thing in the morning, aren't ya?" Natsu grumbled as he too woke up from the blonde screeching. She slammed her feet on the floor violent, not hard enough to shake the building but hard enough to get noise complaints.

Carla groaned as she padded her white feet into the room and stared at the blonde in announcer. "What is wrong with you?"

"Little miss me got her bags and took off on us last night." Lucy explained as she shook around a piece of paper in her hand. Halay's hand brushed hers as she ripped it out of the blonde's grip and started to read.

"'Keep walking three more days and you'll get to the Royal City. I'm gonna go back to my guild now. Good luck and try not to get busted.'" She read out loud, announcing it to the group. They all shared confused glances while Lucy was starting to have a tantrum.

"What was all that about lending a helping hand? When I get my hands on her, I'm going to ring her scrawny neck." Lucy seethed from her spot.

Happy giggled when a thought popped into his head. "So you're saying you have a scrawny neck too?" He asked carelessly.

"Don't get her more angry Happy." Reed replied as he leapt onto the table.

"There's nothing we can do." Wendy tried to tell the celestial wizard, hoping she would calm down. "Scary Lucy said she wasn't going to fight so we should respect that."

Lucy whipped her head around to look at the blue haired girl. "You're saying that I should forgive this?" She questioned in disbelief. "Someone with my face should never abandon people in need."

"Come on, it's no big deal." Natsu sighed, getting bored of the whole ordeal. Halay couldn't help but agree. Sure, scary Lucy did abandon them but she gave them instructions to the Royal City, at least she didn't leave them with nothing.

Minutes later Lucy was smiling again, hugging her brand new book that she had brought. During this time, Rose had insulted the brunette telling her that she would stand out in a silk shirt. Halay couldn't help but agree. So, she traded her suit jacket for a bomber jacket and her silk shirt for a tube top and now she seemed to fit in with the crowd more then the red head did. For now, the two were civil but even Reed could tell there was tension in the air.

"Well she's not screaming anymore." Happy pointed out as he walked next to the other two cats.

"Well it's good to know we can cheer Lucy up by giving her a rare book to read." Wendy smiled as she walked behind the older Dragon Slayers.

Rose scoffed, not understanding why they spent the last of their money on a pointless book. "Or shutting her up."

"So what book did you end up buying anyway?" Natsu asked his friend in curiosity, wanting to know why she was practically glowing now.

"Complete history of Edolas silly." Lucy replied like it was obvious. Halay couldn't help but sigh at the blonde's words. She honestly didn't know what goes on in her mind. "Don't you want to know more about this amazing world while we have the chance."

"No, not really." The pink haired boy grumbled.

"You know the saying, knowledge is power." Lucy stated as she held the book up to the sky. "Well, this book has got tones of it." Halay kept her eye out on passerby's and quickly bashed into one. She muttered an apology as she lifted their portable lacrima from their pocket. "For example, there is a tone of history about a fierce-some tribe called the Exceeds."

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