20 | Prince Jellal

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The Halays ran as fast as they could to the Royal City and they didn't know what to expect. But as they arrived, chaos had unfolded. Buildings were collapsing and the whole place was in darkness - the only light being the pure magic that was sleeping out of every crevice imaginable. Stampedes of panicked civilians were littering the street as the darkness covered their eyes.

"This is crazy." Edolas Halay exclaimed in fright as she watched people run past them. Her eyes were sad and terror filled at the same time. She didn't know what to feel. "There's panic everywhere."

Halay squeezed her doppelgänger's hand tightly. "I'm sorry this is happening to your world." As they continued to make their way through the crowded streets, a shoulder barged against the wizard's which made her glare at the back. "Slow down, you'll hurt someone!" She snapped at him, making the guy turn around. She recognised the brown fluffy hair and the crystal blue eyes - it was only a matter of time before he showed up again.

"Halay!" Dimitri screamed in joy and relief as he hugged his friend tightly - Edolas Halay letting go of her doppelgänger for a second.

Edolas Halay hugged back too. "Dimitri? You're okay!"

"I've been looking for you!" The brunet replied as they pulled away, his eyes looking over her body for any scars or cuts and was relieved to find none.

Edolas Halay let her head hang low. "I'm sorry."

Halay watched the scene, wondering if that was what her and Hibiki would look like when they reunite. The teal eyed girl turned away and started to walk forward only to be blocked by a large black figure. There stood a fellow Fairy Tail member, Gajeel. "Sorry pipsqueak but you aren't getting by." He laughed menacingly as he toward over her but she was not intimidated.

"Gajeel." The ring master gritted her teeth as she greeted the dragon slayer bitterly. "Get out of my way or I'll force you to move." She threatened emotionlessly, the Edolas Fairy Fail arriving at the scene as watched in curiously.

"Ha, like that's gonna happen." The boy laughed.

Halay felt her hand curl into a tight fist as she stared at him - it was obvious that he was a bully once maybe something even worse but the reason why she did it was because she always went through with her threats. She felt crystal form around her tightened fist before she swung it at the iron dragon. The crystal shattered on impact but the boy was sent flying across the street and landed on the floor near an already collapsed building.

Everyone started at her in terror, frozen in fear. "You just punched him." Dimitri stuttered out as he pointed to the iron dragon that was struggling to stand up.

"I warned him." Halay stated simply as she cracked her fingers. She held out her hand for her Edolas counterpart to take - and she did - and they set off on the direction they were originally running in. That's when they came across fire. A familiar figure was standing on top of the building - the king attached to a stray poll as he was calling out to the people. "Natsu, what are you doing?" She muttered under her breath as they all stopped at the sight. That's when she heard it.

"They're to blame." A man in the crowd shouted, pointing to not only Natsu but the rest of the dragon slayers too. "They're the ones who stole Edolas' magic power."

"They're acting like villains so that there can be a hero." She smiled at the plan, imagining that it wasn't Natsu that came up with it.

A figure ran past the two brunettes, a familiar cape flowing in the wind. "Natsu! Stop this now!" Mystogan shouted at his guild mate as he approached him.

"Jellal." The Edolas Halay whispered as she watched the familiar person run from her. The Earthland wizard recognised the look in her counterpart's eye. It was the same look that she had when she saw Jellal again when they were fighting the Oracion Seis. That must have been why Mystogan saved her on the beach - because she reminded him of his childhood friend.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon