05 | My Prayer

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The three mages (plus a knocked out Sherry) ran through the forest at a slower pace then usual. With Halay leading the group, following her gut until Hibiki had the power to use Archive, she had to make sure that she was going at a pace that the two boys could keep up with which resulted in fast jogging. Wherever they ran, the woods looked the same but that wasn't the worrying part. What was worrying was that the terrain had completely shifted so none of it was recognisable.

She stopped when her foot hit something soft and cold. Her eyes darted down to a sheet of white covering the darkened grass. She bent down to touch it, feeling it in her hand - it didn't feel fluffy like normal snow should, it was harsh like a weapon.

"Snow?" Lyon rhetorically questioned as his feet touched the edge of the white. The clogs in Halay's head turned slowly as she tried to figure out what had happened. That's when she noticed the footprints.

Her guard went up and she slowly made her way into the snowy area. Her eyes scanned every dark corner, every shadow on the ground to make sure that she wasn't snuck up on. She let out large breaths which caused clouds of white smoke to escape her pink lips. Her eyes danced over a figure laying face down in the snow and her eyes widened in alarm.

"Eve!" She called out as she ran to him, hearing the crunch of footsteps behind her. She grunted as she struggled to push him onto his back but managed to do it anyway. She quickly pressed her ear against his chest and sighed in relief when she heard him breathing.

Her teal eyes looked over his sleeping body, the way his face was bruised and beaten. She gently tapped his face but grew frustrated quickly when the blond didn't wake up. She slapped him harder and waited for a moment before slapping him again. She hit him again but with more force this time causing a loud ringing to echo through the trees.

"I don't think slapping him will help." Hibiki stated as he watched with slight amusement. Fortunately for them, he had recharged enough magic energy to pull up Archive and search briefly for the Christina.

"Shut up Hibiki." Halay responded quickly as she gave Eve another large slap. This one was harder then the rest and left a red hand print on the cheek of the blonde. His blue eyes shot open and flinched at the bright light that he was attacked with.

Eve groaned as he sat up, with help from Halay, and scratched his head. "What happened?" He questioned as he looked to the brunette.

"It looks like you got your ass beaten by one of the Oracion Seis." She stated bluntly which cut Eve's ego deeply. She turned her attention to her best friend. "Hibiki, have you located the Christina?"

Hd closed down Archive and nodded. "It's just up ahead."

"Let's get our asses in gear then."

"Do you read me? Someone? Anyone? Respond. Please, let me know you're okay." Hibiki screamed down the open line he had made using the last of his magic. As if it was a miracle, the group had found the Christina and managed to make it fly. They had picked up Ren along the way and Sherry he decided to grace them with her presence by waking up. Two figures popped up on Hibiki's map which made him sigh in relief. "Erza and Wendy, glad to know you're well."

"I've never been more happy to hear your voice Erza." Halay stated as she watched the screen, trying to control where the ship was going.

"Halay, you're okay. What happened to you?" The red head questioned immediately, her voice sounding fuzzy over the line but Halay could make out what she was saying.

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