24 | Magic Council Dogs

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Suprisingly, the guild hall was quiet - not silent, there were still a couple of verbal fights but because Natsu or Gray weren't there it meant that there was actual peace instead of chaos. Halay and Reed had sat at the bar, talking to the newly joined Kinana, unfortunately the girl didn't have any magic but Fairy Tail excepted her anyway.

"So, who do you think is going to win?" Kinana asked in a joyous tone, cleaning a glass in front of her as she looked to the older girl.

"Keeri." Halay answered with no hesitation. "Easily. She's recently been working on reversing indirect attacks, so if she's up against Erza or Mirajane the she can reverse their magic." The brunette told the purple haired girl which made Kinana look up in awe.

"She could also reverse Elfman's magic too as well as Lisanna's." Reed added in his English accent, munching on a bar of chocolate he had retrieved from their apartment.

"Which takes the whole of the Strauss family out. Plus she could probably reverse everyone else's magic." Halay replied boastfully. She paused, thinking it over. "The only exception would be Freed and Bickslow but that's what Rose is there for."

Kinana laughed at the sudden realisation. "It seems you two have thought this out."

"Well what else are we supposed to do?" Reed chuckled as he noticed some of their friends start to gather around them. "We were helping her train for a week so we pretty much know all her weaknesses."

"I'm surprised Gramps didn't pick you Halay." Warren stated as he sat next to the brunette. "From what I've heard, you're really strong."

"Well I don't want to brag." Halay smirked as she span in her chair, leaning against the bar. She soon noticed mostly everyone had surrounded them while they were talking. "I think I would have been picked but I only joined a month ago, maybe if it was a month or two before then I would have been S-Class in no time."

"But gramps did trust Halay enough to make her temporary master while he's gone." Reed revealed the supposedly classified information with the rest of the guild.

Halay sighed as she looked to the yellow cat sat next to her. "I told you that so I didn't have to keep it a secret on my own."

"Yeah but I wanted to flex it." Reed smiled in response.

"Wow, that's awesome Halay." Bisca complimented as she put a soft hand on the girl's shoulder. "Gramps must really trust you."

That's when the door swung open. Everyone stopped what they were doing and immediately looked over. A distressed Mest stood in the doorway, his body scarred and his eyes wide in worry. Behind him stood guards from the Magic Council which caused the whole guild to be confused and concerned. Max was first over to the man.

"Mest? What are you doing here?" The sand mage questioned in confusion, a crowd gathering behind him. "You're supposed to be on Tenrou Island."

Lahar stepped forward out of Council members, his eyes were emotionless and dark - obviously not caring too deeply about the situation at hand. "Who's in charge while Master Makarov is gone?" He asked to no one in particular.

"I am." Halay answered as she pushed her way through. Her eyes held a hateful glare when she saw him, knowing him only from taking Jellal away from her after the fight with the Oracion Seis. "What are you doing here?" She asked him, trying not to sound too angry.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but Tenrou Island has disappeared."

Silence filled the room as everyone tried to process what was happening. Whispers filled the brunette's ears as she stared at the man in front of her. "Alright, quit your bullshit. Jokes like that aren't funny." Halay spat in disgust, not wanting to accept what he had told her.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now