23 | The S-Class Trials

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The morning had been peaceful. Almost too peaceful.

When Halay had woken up, she noticed the apartment was silent, way too silent. She jumped out of her bed and stormed around the rooms, seeing no one but herself. That's when she found the note. Rose, Keeri and Reed had gone to the guild hall. The brunette sighed, a sense of déjà vu washing over her, she unconsciously looked outside, waiting for the bright light that never came. Thank god. She changed and headed to the guild hall, greeting her neighbours as she went, a bright smile on her face.

Once inside the guild, the ring master took a seat next to the busty blonde who was having a loud talk with Mirajane. "She said she wanted to quit the guild! Can you believe that?" Lucy questioned the white haired mage who was cleaning glasses behind the counter. Halay wanted to ask what she was talking about but her question was soon answered. "I mean I thought Cana was in Fairy Tail for life. I tried to get her to tell me why but she wouldn't say."

"I wouldn't worry about it." Mirajane sighed as she placed down her clean cup to pick up another. "She always starts talking about quitting whenever this time of year rolls around."

"Say what?" Lucy did a double take as she stared at the bartender in shock. "Oh no, is something and gonna happen?"

That's when a soft hand was placed on the brunette's shoulder. She jumped a mile in shock and turned to see Keeri holding up a stained piece of paper. "I'm taking this job Mira." She announced with a smile, already leaving as she replied.

Mirajane smiled and waved at the girl. "Good luck."

"Wait, are we not going on a job together?" Halay questioned the girl in confusion, they were supposed to take jobs as a trio plus Reed. What happened it that rule?

"Sorry but it's solo season." Keeri answered with a shrug. Her pink eyes danced over to a figure behind Halay, the brunette turning around to see Rose wearing a proud expression. "You understand Rose, right?"

"Course I do. Have fun and don't die!" Rose called out after her, finally noticing Reed floating behind her. "And don't kill my cat!"

Keeri laughed as she exited the building. "I won't." She reassured her before she disappeared from view.

"Goodbye Rose, Halay." Reed states before quickly following the purple haired girl.

"Solo season?" Halay asked in confusion, her mind clogging up with questions. "What's that?"

Rose chuckled as she sat down next to her, she placed a hand on her shoulder. "You don't need to worry about it this year Halay, I'll tell you when you're older."

"I'm older then you." Halay deadpanned as she stared at her emotionlessly.

Rose stuttered as her face became red. "By a year!" She protested immediately. The girls were soon over run with guild members taking jobs, every single one of them ranting and raving about something that the two newbies didn't understand.

"Why is everyone going crazy?" Lucy screamed as she covered her head with her hands, burying herself in the table.

Mirajane chuckled knowingly. "You'll find out soon enough."

"I don't understand why so many people are freaking Gung ho about going out on jobs while everyone else are just goofing off like there's nothing happening." Lucy stated as she watched Erza and Lily spar in the corner, Gajeel practically glowing at the sight of his own cat.

"It'll all make sense to you tomorrow." Mirajane winked as she disappeared into the back rooms. Halay and Lucy shared a confused look wishing that they could understand now. Luckily for them, the next day came by extremely fast.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now