50 | A Sibling Fight For The History Books

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"I'm your brother." Arthur revealed.

It was like Halay's world suddenly collapsed. Everything she had ever known thrown on her head. Her hands began to shake as she stared at the man in front of her. Her brother. The family she didn't even know existed. Her eyes began to fill with tears, guilt building on her shoulders, practically crushing her under its weight. How old was he? What had he endured without her there? The family she had been seeking for years was actually a thing. Did she have parents? Were they searching for her too?

"With that bombshell dropped, this has turned into a family feud, two siblings from two different sides of the tracks." The announcer cut through her cluttered thoughts. "What's going to happen next?

From the stands, her friends were watching with worry clear in their eyes. They didn't know what was going to happen, but they definitely knew Halay was going to emotionally crash. They didn't know how she was going to snap, either in sadness or anger, but with Halay it was such a fine line.

"This isn't going to end well." Dimitri muttered to himself as he stared at Halay. His eyes never moved from her figure, watching as she chest lifted irregularly. He was concerned and terrified for her.

"No it is not." Rose added in agreement, clenching her fists in anger as she glared at the Sabertooth guild. They were just grinning.

Back in the arena, Halay still hadn't fully accepted his words. "What?" She chocked out, her tears threatening to overflow.

"I'm your brother." He repeated causally, it was like he didn't care that he had just recked her entire world. "Honestly I'm surprised you don't remember me, I'm a little hurt, sis." He continued speaking, taunting her. He was pushing her emotionally, he wanted to see her snap. "Seeing as you used to save me from our abusive parents."

Halay's teal eyes widened further, the scars on her back heating up. She groaned in pain, clutching her head as she stumbled slightly. There was something trying to resurface, a memory, something her mind was repressing. She gritted her teeth, trying to keep it locked away.

"Oh let me guess, you don't remember that either." Arthur chuckled bitterly, his eyes glaring at her figure.

Halay clenched her eyes shut as she whispered, "Stop talking."

"Do you remember anything about our family?" He screamed at her, his voice echoing throughout the deadly silent stadium.

"No I don't." The brunette shouted back, her tone catching him off guard. She sounded so broken and exhausted. For a second he wavered, hesitated. But he needed to do this, for his guild.

"Probably for the best, they did sell you into child slavery." Arthur exclaimed like it was no big deal. Her eyes widened as she stared at the ground, sadness and guilt quickly turning to anger, ready to blind her. "The Tower of Heaven right?" He clarified. Whispers and murmurs echoed throughout the stadium, the secret that was so well kept, now out in the open for everyone to know.

"Shut up!" She begged, her voice cracking in sorrow.

"Oh come on Halay, you can hide it anymore can you." Arthur told her, his posture making him lean back and stare at her with lazy eyes. He watched as her eyes held conflict, and he grew impatient. "You're angry that I've just outed your past to everyone, right? Come on Halay, get angry!" He screamed at her.

"No bad idea! Don't make her angry!" Rose shouted from the stands, the harshness in her tone was the warning that everyone in the stadium needed. Halay Winters angry was going to be a sight. They just didn't know if they wanted to see it.

"Use it Halay." He told her. Halay clutched her head harder, pulling some of her hair out as she tried to focus on something. Anything. Her sense were in overload, her mind no longer making any sense, memories and feelings bubbling to the surface, things she hadn't felt in years.

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