27 | Events On The Bridge

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"I can't believe I agreed to this." Halay groaned as she tied her hair up into a tight pony tail, watching her hands closely in the mirror to make sure she didn't catch her rings. Reed was sat on the vanity in front of her as he watched her struggle, offering no help or support.

"It's for the best Halay." Reed told her as he sipped in his earl grey tea. "You need to relax."

"And having an apprentice is going to help me relax?" She questioned him as she pulled on her bomber jacket, an item of clothing she got attached to unbelievably quickly. She touched her arm, the sensation of the lump plaguing her mind. She needed to get it out but how?

"Hopefully it will give you a chance to focus on yourself." The yellow exceed called out as he heard her footsteps getting quieter.

Halay sighed, her hand on the door, calling back before closing it. "See you later Reed." The cat finished his drink before flying to the guild hall, planning to tell everyone the news.

Halay stuffed her hands into her pockets as she wondered down the streets, passing Lucy's old apartment not that she knew what it was. She greeted people she knew, smiled politely at people she didn't. It was normal for her now, putting on an act, building her walls up higher and higher, making them even stronger then before. That's when she heard something that she never thought she'd hear.

"Did you hear? The Magic Council got broken into." A townsman told his wife, Halay only just hearing as she approached the two.

His wife nodded in confirmation as she laid out cloth on their table, it was market day today. "Yeah apparently Jellal Fernandes escaped." She remembered as she started placing things down. Halay wanted to stop in her place and ask the two what else they had heard but she couldn't, she wasn't supposed to know him. Even if she did, there was no doubt that she was going to investigated by the Magic Council because of it.

"Along with some dark guild and a couple of other bad guys." Her husband added as he began to help.

"Wonder if the council will get them back." The women muttered to herself.

"They should. It was their fault for the break out. Should have higher security. I heard that someone broke in with prototype device." She heard the townsman finish as she walked out of ear range, not that she wanted to hear the rest of the conversation. She had heard enough.

A bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Jeez Ultear, so much for subtlety." She muttered to herself as she twisted her rings in her pocket.

Without realising it, she had arrived at the orphanage steps. She let out a deep sigh as she stared at it for a moment. Was this want she wanted? Was it for herself or to please others? She hadn't really thought it over in much depth yet and that was worrying for her. Nevertheless, she climbed the steps to the building, the bright orange door practically blinding her when she stopped. She lifted her hand to knock but the door swung open before she had the chance to.

There stood a young girl, light blue hair and piercing green eyes staring at the brunette in shock. "Oh my god, you're Halay Winters." The girl exclaimed as she grabbed the ring master's wrist and dragged her inside.

"Yeah and you are?" Halay asked, snatching her wrist back once she was in the building. The inside was gloomy yet colourful. The walls were bright yellow but it was practically dark, only a few light hung in the room. There were doors everywhere, some leading to bedrooms and others to different living spaces.

"I'm Daina." The girl introduced herself, sticking her hand out for a handshake. "I'm the eldest orphan here."

"How old are you?" Halay questioned, ignoring the hand out.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now