56 | When Bonds Are Unbreakable

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"Day four's battle rounds is about to be underway and we will soon find out who made the cut in team Fairy Tail." The announcer screamed as Halay entered the balcony where her guild was resting. "You have a long history with the guild don't you, Mr Yajima? Got any predictions on the final five?"

Yajima frowned and crossed his arms. "No comment." He mumbled, clearly not in a good mood. 

"Let's get down to business and announce the battle line ups for today. Please turn you attention to the Lacrima drones. Match one will be Blue Pegasus versus the frisky Quadro Puppy. Then onto round two, the ladies of Mermaid Heel facing off against Lamia Scale. And what will be today's highlight, Sabertooth against the new Fairy Tail. So put you hands together as we get ready to meet Fairy Tail's new team!"

Out of the arena sides came the newest Fairy Tail team and, in Halay's opinion, was one of the best teams in the Grand Magic Games currently. With three dragon slayers, an S-Class mage and Gray, the team was pretty powerful.

"Master really did put together an amazing team." Mira complimented as she smiled down at the stadium. 

"He did." Halay agreed as she stood next to Rose and Dimtiri. "With two equally kick-ass wizards on reserve." The brunette winked at Mira who laughed.

Cana cheered as she hugged a beer barrel. "It's just like I was saying before ..."

"This team's gotta get us back to number one!" Rose pumped her fist in the air excitedly. 

"The spirit of Fairy Tail really is an unstoppable force and these five kids embody that spirit wholeheartedly." Makarov exclaimed as he stood next to the First Master's ghost. 

Even with Lucy all fresh in their minds as well as the upset from having to combine their two teams, it seemed that having this new kick-ass team was actually boosting their spirits. It seemed like the goal of top stop was just out of reach but with a final push, they could make it.

And Halay couldn't wait for when Fairy Tail finally put Sabertooth in the ground.

As the crowd died down from the reveal of the new Fairy Tail team, Chapati Lola started to speak up again. "Are you ready for a magic battle? First up, Blue Pegasus' Ichiya and Rabbit. Up against, Quadro Puppy's Bacchus and Rocker."

"Hey Halay," Dimitri spoke up, nudging his master gently with his shoulder. Halay hummed, signalling she was listening. "Who's in the bunny suit?"'

"I actually have no idea." Halay admitted as she watched the bunny suit. "I don't think anyone other then Ichiya knows and honestly, that scares me."

A few dread-filled moments later, the head of the bunny suit finally came off. And no one - not even the members of Blue Pegasus - had expected who was under it. There stood, in all its short glory, was an exceed version of Ichiya.

"What?" Everyone chorus in confusion.

"It's Nichiya!" Pantherlily identified in shock.

Slowly, Halay defeated and smacked her head against a rock in front of her. "They're embarrassments to the guild." She muttered in disappointment.

"I don't think Halay's very excited about this match." Dimitri giggled to Rose who was covering her mouth to suppress her laugh.

Rose nudged the boy as a few chuckles left her mouth, replying, "How can you tell?" 

As the sob story of Ichiya and Nichiya's meeting started, Halay let out a groan of pain as she wished the world would end around her. Sure, Ichiya was a skilled wizard and probably one of the strongest after Halay left but he was so incredibly stupid sometimes, it physically pained her. 

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin