41 | The Voice of A Friend

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The wind was wild around the two friends as they plummeted towards the ground. Halay's grip on Erik's forearms was fierce enough time draw a little blood but he didn't care. He was more captured by what she had said. Her brown hair was lifted off her face, revealing a small scar on her forehead, a scar she had received in the tower. The Infinity Castle above them quickly becoming smaller as the ground became bigger.

"Spill Halay!" Erik demanded loudly as they tumbled to the ground.

"She's at Fairy Tail! She was under a curse and Makarov broke it! Her name is Kinana! I've been keeping her safe for seven years for you! She's waiting for you Erik! She could hear you calling out for her!" Halay shouted at him watching a small smile appear on his face. A sad smile appeared on hers as she continued. "I never got my happy ending but you can have yours! Be with the person you care about Erik and make sure you tell her that."

Erik looking into her eyes, seeing the sincerity and the love. He could tell she was on the brink of giving up, their fight today told him that. "Thank you." He smiled at her.

"I should be thank you," She countered gently, her voice cut in after his immediately. "You could have killed me but you didn't." She pulled him into a hug as they fell and whispered into his ear. "Cubelious is the reason you fight, Dimitri, Keeri and Rose are mine."

She let go of him and spread her arms so that she slowed down slightly. He held a small smile on his face, one that quickly disappeared when Halay places her feet on his gut. She pushed him down, making him fall to the floor quicker then her. As much as he was her friend, she needed to beat him so his seal would be removed. Erik heard this and chuckled quietly before slamming into the concrete floor.

Halay made she sure she moved away from the dragon slayer so she wouldn't fall on top of him. She took a deep breath, placing her hands by her side and rolling in the air. She hit the floor only a few moments later. Pain shot up her back and she groaned as she slowly sat up and leant against the edge of a crater. "Geez, I kinda wish that was a softer landing." She complained to herself as she laid motionlessly.

"It's going to be okay." Warren's voice rang out in her head. She furrowed her brows in confusion because she thought he was talking to her. "Unfortunately you sped up the merging process when you used he Real Nightmare spell to save Natsu."

"Don't blame me for this." Natsu exclaimed. Halay wheezed a laugh as she shifted uncomfortably on her rock.

"No one's blaming you." Keeri snapped immediately. The brunette sighed in relief when she heard her friend's voice. Suddenly she began to worry about Rose, no one had heard from her since she left for Kardia Cathedral.

"Look, I'm just glad that I finally got through to you." Warren stated in relief. "Listen up everyone, I've got news from the team down in the guild hall. Jean-Luc and the others have figured out a way for us to save Lucy."

Jean-Luc then went on to explain that if the seals aren't removed before the merging process was finished then only Lucy could free herself if she focused. That way, she would be able to control Real Nightmare. Levy continued and told everyone that the clock remained in this world because of the Celestial Wizards that were serving as body links. Halay couldn't remember when they had told her about body links but she assumed it all happened when she  was dying.

It became decided by everyone that Lucy would have to change their perspectives to a hundred years in the future. Despite everyone else's worries Lucy did it anyway. This caused the clock to shatter and pieces of the Infinity Clock was scattered all over Earthland. The sight looked like the sky was crying, hundred of shooting stars rained over the now blue sky, silver streaks in the air.

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