19 | Edolas Halay

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"When you said, 'let's get to the surface', I didn't know you were going to drop us." Keeri groaned in pain as she shifted to pull out a small rock from under her body. The yellow exceed had dropped his friends by accident - now knowing that he couldn't carry more then one person without struggling.

"Sorry." Reed muttered in embarrassment as he waddled over to them, making sure they were okay.

"It's okay," Halay coughed as she pulled herself up off the ground, brushing off the dust that had formed on her clothes. "Just a little warning next time."

"Where's Erza?" Gray asked only a few paces from them as they all seemed to be in the same boat.

"She's in a stand off with Nightwalker." Carla answered, pointing to the sky where two figures were fighting. The brunette knew that Erza could handle herself so decided to stop worrying - even though it didn't do much. The ring master turned around, ready to announce something to the group when she saw a ball of light coming at her friends.

"Move!" She shouted in alarm, grabbing the blonde's wrist and tugging to move Lucy behind her. She acted quickly as placed up a crystal wall, it cracking under the impact of magic bullets.

"They're around us." Gray announced as he was eyeing all the targets. He noticed more soldiers coming over the horizon, there seemed to be millions of them. "Geez, it's like they're coming out of the wood work!"

"They've got us surrounded Lucy." The small and frightened voice of Coco told the blonde.

"I guess we're gonna have to fight them." Lucy suggested as she gripped the whip on her waist. The four Fairy Tail wizards all started to fight the incoming attacks - everyone dealing with it differently. Some were on the attack while other were on the defence. They really did make a good team and none of them could deny it.

Halay noticed out of the corner of her eye that a magic bullet was on its way to hitting the three Exceeds that were huddled together. "Hell no!" She growled before putting up a small crystal wall in front of them, Reed sending her a thankful glance. "Keeri!"

"On it!" Keeri called back as she created a large magic circle surrounding them, each attack reversed back in time to hit their releaser. It was simple but effective and work like a great.

"Stay back!" Gray demanded as the group's new talks became about protecting their cat friends.

"Why do they keep firing at Happy, Reed and Carla?" Lucy asked in confusion. One guard decided to answer and say that they would be used for magic power or executed which seemed to knock a chord in the wizards.

"The Exceeds are living beings just like us. Are you so obsessed with gaining power that you don't care what happens to them? You people in this world need to learn some lessons about life! You can't kill someone to take what they have! Not on my watch." Gray growled as he took out more of the guards. Halay joining him with her heat seeking crystal missiles.

Lucy held up her most prized key as it started to glow "Open gate of the Lion! Loke!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, a person emerging from next to her.

"You miss me Lucy?" Loke questioned as he fixed his suit jacket.

Halay's eyes widened at the familiar voice. "Leo?"

"Halay?" Loke questioned in confusion, the last time he had seen the ring master was when she was still part of Blue Pegasus.

"You're one of Lucy's spirits?"

"You joined Fairy Tail?"

"Can we have a reunion later?" Keeri screamed at them in urgency as she reversed another magic bullet coming at her. "We've got these guys to deal with!"

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang